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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Australia 2008 : 100 Years of Quarantine FDC

The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) has a long history. In March 1908 the Commonwealth Government of Australia passed the Quarantine Act to protect Australians' health from contagious diseases, and the country's industries from overseas pests and animals.

With Australia's primary industries contributing billions of dollars to the Australian economy, quarantine matters as much as it ever did. So, when you next see an AQIS beagle at the airport, it is worth remembering that he is the most visible sign of a long history of preventing the introduction of destructive pests that threaten Australia's flora and fauna, and primary industries. 

Stamp image: Mark Chew 
Stamp and cover design: Simone Sakinofsky, Australia Post Design Studio 
Cover images: © Image courtesy of Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, © 1995 Zedcor, Inc. and Dover Publications, © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation and © PhotoDisc Library 

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