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Sunday, June 07, 2020



The stamps commemorating the International Space Year 1992 feature celestial phenomena of the southern sky: the Helix Nebula, the Pleiades and Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997. The miniature sheet shows a graphic rendition of ERS-1, the newest Earth-observation satellite to carry Australian technology. Australia was the third nation to launch its own satellite, Wresat, which features in the cover illustration. 

Stamp and miniature sheet design: Sandra Harman, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio. 
Stamp photographs: David Malin, Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT); Helix Nebula, Spiral Galaxy (AAT), Pleiades (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh/AAT). 
Miniature sheet photographs: ERS-1 (European Space Agency, Paris); Globe (Australian Centre for Remote Sensing/Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne). 
Cover design: Lynette Brown, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio. 
Cover photograph: Wresat (Australian Space Office). 

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