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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Malaysia 2000 : Permainan Tradisional Kanak-kanak FDC

Di Malaysia terdapat berbagai Permainan Tradisional Kanak-kanak yang telah diwarisi sejak turun temurun. Diantaranya ialah permainan Ting-Ting, Tarik Upih, Guli, Layang-Layang dan Rim Basikal yang biasa dimainkan oleh kanak-kanak bawah umur 10 tahun. Kanak-kanak akan berasa gembira apabila mereka dapat bermain. Semasa bermain mereka belajar menggunakan otot-otot mereka, mengimbangkan badan, menggunakan tenaga dengan berfaedah, bekerjasama, bertolak ansur, bergembira dan bermesra dengan rakan-rakan mereka. Melalui permainan juga kanak-kanak dapat mempelajari cara-cara bermain mengikut peraturan, menyesuaikan diri dan menyelesaikan masalah. Bermain bukan sahaja menggalakkan perkembangan fizikal dan social malahan perkembangan mental dan emosi juga dapat diperluaskan. Oleh itu kanak-kanak patut digalakkan bermain permainan tradisional yang pernah dimainkan oleh ibu bapa dan datuk nenek mereka dahulu. Melalui permainan ini kemesraan di kalangan ahli keluarga akan bertambah erat lagi sekiranya ibu, bapa, datuk, nenek dan abang atau kakak mereka bertindak pula menjadi jurulatih atau jurutunjuk bagaimana permainan itu hendak dimainkan. 

In Malaysia, there are many Children's Traditional Games that has been inherited for generations. Among them are games like Ting-Ting, Tank Upih, Marbles, Kite Flying and Bicycle Rim. They are usually played by children under the age of 10. Children will be happy when they get a chance to play. While playing they learn to use their muscles, balance their body, use up energy in a meaningful way, learn to work together, cultivate a give and take attitude, have fun and interact with their friends. Apart from that, games also teach children how to follow rules, adapt to situations and solve problems. Play not only promotes physical and social development, it also enhances mental and emotional development. Therefore, children should be encouraged to play traditional games that were once played by their parents and grand parents in the old days. Families can get closer through these games if the mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister coach or teach the children how to play the game. 

BUTIRAN TEKNIK / Technical Details 

Tarikh Keluaran /Date of Issue 24.6.2000
Denominasi /Denomination 30sen (30sen x 5)
Saiz Setem /Stamp Size 28mm x 38mm 
Tebukan / Perforation 14
Kandungan Helaian / Sheet Content 50 setem
Kertas / Paper Tera Air SPM, Bersalut Fosfor SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Proses Percetakan / Printing Process Litografi /Lithography 
Pencetak / Printer Security Printers (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Pereka Bentuk / Designer  Ad Intergrated Sdn. Bhd
Sampul Surat Hari Pertama / First Day Cover 20 sen
Pek Cenderamata /Presentation Pack RM3.50
Helaian Cenderamata / Souvenir Sheet RM6.00

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