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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Malaysia 2016 : Seni Khat Malaysia FDC

Malaysian Calligraphy Calligraphy is the visual art of writing by a calligrapher, the artists who possesses the hand lettering techniques using writing instruments such as dip pen or brush to inscribe words. With a long history of craftsmanship and tradition, calligraphy has been used for centuries to convey messages beautifully and elegantly. In Malaysia, traditional calligraphy styles differ between cultures and languages. Jawi, the style of writing the Malay language using Arabic alphabets, has been used for over 700 years as evidenced by the discovery of the Inscription Stone in Terengganu. The discovery is also proof that calligraphy and Islam came into existence in the country between 1326 and 1386. Islamic calligraphy, or "Khat" as it is known in Malay, is derived from the Arabic word "Khatt", which literally means line, design or construction. 

The development of Islamic calligraphy is universal and is strongly tied to the Al Qur'an, which has led calligraphy to become one of the major forms of artistic expression in Islamic cultures of which the Muslims in Malaysia are a part of. In Malaysia, Islamic calligraphy are commonly found on buildings as decorations and interior ornamentations, as well as in mosques, signages, books, currency and old manuscripts, among others. Other ethnic communities in Malaysia, notably the Chinese and Indians have also preserved their own language and calligraphy traditions. The techniques and styles were passed down through generations, and together, form part of the rich cultural heritage of the country. Today, calligraphy continues to flourish in the forms of religious art, poetry writing, commissioned calligraphic art, typography design, personalized invitations, original hand-lettered logo design, cut stone inscriptions, memorial documents and many more. 

Islamic Calligraphy by Abdul Baki Abu Bakar /Nilai Murni di dalam Khat Islam 

Nilai Murni di dalam Jawi dieja "Nun ya lam alif ya, Mim waw ra nun ya". Di dalam penulisan Arab, teks dibaca dari kanan ke kiri. Gaya tulisan Khat Islam pada setem ini dikenali sebagai Thuluth, yang merupakan salah satu daripada tujuh gaya utama yang lainnya adalah Nasakh, Diwani Jali, Rqah, Farisi, Kufi dan Diwani. Thuluth dikenali sebagai bentuk khat Islam yang tertinggi dan paling dihormati serta memerlukan masa yang lama untuk dimahiri. Khat Jawi tradisional ditulis menggunakan bilah buluh yang dikenali sebagai Qalam, dicelup di dalam dakwat hitam atau dakwat berwarna dan ditulis dengan menggunakan tangan di atas permukaan kertas yang rata. 

"Nilai Murni" in Islamic Calligraphy 

Nilai Murni in Jawi is spelled in the Arabic alphabets which reads "Nun ya lam alif ya, Mim waw ra nun ya". In Jawi, the written script is read from right to left. The style of writing featured on this stamp is known as Thuluth, which is one of the seven main styles used in Islamic Calligraphy. The other styles are Nasakh, Diwani Jali, Rqah, Farisi, Kufi and Diwani. The Thuluth is recognized as the highest and most respectable form of Islamic Calligraphy and requires the longest amount of time to master. Traditional Jawi script and calligraphy is written using a broad tip bamboo stick known as Qalam, dipped in black or coloured ink and written in free hand on a smooth paper surface.

Chinese Calligraphy by Dr. Wong Kum Peng / Murni di dalam Khat Cina (Li) 

Karakter "Li" di dalam khat Cina membawa pelbagai maksud termasuklah kesopanan, etika dan peradaban. Di dalam khat Cina (Shu fa), karakter Gina boleh ditulis dalam lima gaya utama dan yang diabadikan pada setem ini ditulis mengikut Separuh Kursif atau gaya Running Script (Xingsh0) yang mans secara amnya boleh dibaca dengan mudah oleh sesiapa sahaja yang mempunyai pendidikan di dalam bahasa Cina. Gaya tulisan utama lain adalah Seal Script (Zhuansh0), Clerical Script (Lish0), Cursive Script (CaoshCi ) dan Tulisan Biasa (Kaish0). Berus, dakwat, kertas dan batu dakwat adalah peralatan penting di dalarn seni khat Cina dan is dikenali sebagai Four Treasures of the Study. 

"Nilai Murni" in Chinese Calligraphy (Li) 

The character "Li" in Chinese carries a few meanings which includes Courtesy, Etiquette and Manners. In Chinese calligraphy (Sh0f5), Chinese characters can be written in five major styles and the one portrayed in the stamp is written in the Semi-cursive or Running Script style (Xingsh0) which is a common script that any person educated in Chinese generally can read with relative ease. The other main writing styles include Seal Script (Zhuansh0), Clerical Script (Lish0), Cursive Script (Caosh0) and regular script (Kaish0). The brush, ink stick, paper and ink stone are the essentials in Chinese calligraphy. They are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study. 
Malay 2016 

Indian (Tamil) Calligraphy by Velu Perumal Nilai Murni di dalam Khat Bahasa India (Tamil) (Nanneri Panbu) 

Di dalam bahasa Tamil, "Nanneri Panbu" melambangkan beberapa kualiti nilai murni yang ada pada manusia, antara lain termasuklah kesopanan, persaudaraan, keanggunan, etika dan patriotisme. Dibaca dari kin ke kanan, tulisan Tamil klasik telah melalui beberapa peringkat pemurnian selaras dengan evolusi moden, yang membawa bersamanya perubahan di dalam rekaan dan gaya penulisan. Kerana keunikannya, gaya ini hanya digunakan untuk acara atau dokumen kehormat. Tulisan tangan ini kebanyakannya dihasilkan di atas kertas dengan dakwat hitam atau berwarna dengan menggunakan pen khat, berus, kayu mata lebar atau bilah buluh.

"Nilai Murni" in Indian (Tamil) Calligraphy (Nanneri Panbu) 

In Tamil, "Nanneri Panbu" embodies several noble human qualities, which include courtesy, kinship, graciousness, etiquettes and patriotism, among others. Read from the left to the right, classical Tamil characters have since undergone stages of simplifications which brought many changes in its pattern and writing style. Due to its uniqueness, this method of Tamil calligraphy is only used for highly respected occasions or documents. This free hand writing style is produced mainly on papers with coloured or black ink with calligraphy pen, brush, and broad tip wood or bamboo stick.

Penghargaan /Acknowledgement : Jabatan Pengajian India Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Social, Universiti Malaya 

Butiran Teknikal/ Technical Details

Tarikh Keluaran / Date of issue 28.06.16 
Denominasi / Denomination 70sen, 80sen & 90sen 
Saiz Setem / Stamp Size 30mm x 30mm 
Denominasi Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Denomination *RM5.30 
Saiz Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Size 80mm x 80mm 
Tebukan / Perforation 14 
Kandungan Helaian / Sheet Content 18 setem / 18 stamps 
Kertas / Paper Tullis Rusell High Reading Yellow / Green Phosphor Gummed Stamp Paper 103gsm 
Proses Percetakan / Printing Process Litografi / Lithography 
Pencetak / Printer Southern Colour Print, New Zealand 
Pereka Bentuk / Designer Reign Associates Sdn. Bhd. 
Sampul Surat Hari Pertama / First Day Cover *55sen 
Folder / Folder RM6.35 (Di pejabat-pejabat pus terpitih sahaja / Only at selected post offices) 

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