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Sunday, July 05, 2020

Australia 1999 : Maritime Links-Australia and Canada FDC


Maritime Heritage is the theme of the Australia 99 stamp exhibition. A special souvenir minisheet, celebrating the links between Canada and Australia, features the Marco Polo stamps issued by each country. The Marco Polo 85c stamp was issued by Australia Post on 15 January 1998 and is an oil painting by Thomas Robertson (1819-1875). Canada Post's Marco Polo stamp is a painting by S.Franklin Wright. 

Marco Polo was built in 1851 at St John, New Brunswick, Canada by James Smith. Her first voyage to Melbourne in 1852 created a record, cutting in half the sailing time to Australia and contributing enormously to the prosperity of the Canadian shipbuilding industry in the 1850s and 1860s. 

Stamp design: AUSTRALIA Beth McKinlay; CANADA A.Lee Sackett 
Minisheet map illustration: Bonnie Ross, Canada; 
Minisheet design: Julien LeBlanc, Canada; Cover design: Beth McKinlay, Australia 

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