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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Australia 1985 : Classic Children Books FDC


A distinctively Australian identity may be discerned in the literature created for children before the second world war. Australian fairyland creatures were drawn by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. whose first book to be reproduced in colour was Elves and Fairia issued in 1916. In 1918, two enduring masterpieces were published: May Gibbs Tales of5hugglepot and Cuddlepic and The Magic Pudding by Norman Lindsay. Blirthy Bill a well-loved character devised by Dorothy Wall, first emerged in print in 1933. These book illustrations are complemented by Ginger Mews, the famous comic strip character created originally in 1921 by J. C. Bancks. 

Designer: Peter Leuver, Sydney 
First day cover designer: Sue Titcher, 
Australia Post Graphic Design Studio Australia Post

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