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Friday, July 31, 2020

Malaysia 2001 : Bunga-Bunga Wangi Malaysia


Bunga Tanjong Putih (Mimusops elengi) terkenal kerana kewangiannya khasnya pada waktu lewat petang. Dahan pokok atau pohon yang rendah ini biasanya berbunga secara berkelompok manakala daunnya pula mempunyai cairan bersusu dan diatur secara berienturan atau menyelang. Kenanga (Cananga odorata) yang wangi mempunyai batang seumpama tiang yang pada amnya membengkok dari atas. Pokok ini mempunyai puncak yang jarang dan tidak sama dengan dahan yang bergantung kebawah di hujungnya. Bunganya hijau bila tidak matang, bertukar menjadi kuning serta wangi bila matang. Penaga Lilin (Mesua ferrea) merupakan pohon yang sentiasa menghijau, tumbuh pada ketinggian 60 meter. Daunnya yang muda adalah menawan dan berwama merah kilauan. Walaupun pada awalnya ia tumbuh dengan perlahan, namun apabila ia mencapai kematangan, Penaga Lilin adalah sebuah pokok yang based dengan bunga wangi besar, putih dengan benang sari yang kuning. Cempaka (Michelia champaca) yang harum mempunyai menyelang atau berpusar dan berselit, yang mana tidak berlentok. Bunganya yang terang berwama kuning serta besar, biasanya mempunyai sebuah bunga disebuah tangkai yang berdaun banyak. Terdapat pelbagai jenis Cempaka yang mempunyai pelbagai warna. Pokok yang tegap ini biasanya mencapai ketinggian yang tinggi. 


The Wbite Tanjung (Mimusops elengi) flower is well known for its fragrance especially during late evenings. These trees or shrubs with flowering branches come with milky sap, curvaceous or mostly alternate leaves. The Fragrant Kenanga (Cananga odorata) has a characteristic pole-like trunk, which often bends over at the top. The tree has a sparse irregular crown with branches banging down at the tips Meflowers are green when immature, which turn to yellow and fragrant when in their full glory. The Penaga Lilin (Mesua ferrea) is an evergreen tree, which grows to a height of 60 metres. It young leaves are attractive and brilliant red in colour. Though initially, it grows very slowly, once it reaches maturity, the Penaga Lilin is indeed a graceful looking tree. The fragrant flowers are large, white with yellows stamens and are usually used as ornamental avenue trees in most cities. The Aromatic Cempaka (Micbelia cbampaca) are characterised with alternate or spiral insertion leaves, which do not droop. The rich yellow fragrant flowers are large, showy with usually only a single flower on one leafy stalk. The Cempaka comes in various species and shades of colours. The robust trees normally reach to great heights. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Malaysia 2018 : Sungai-sungai di Malaysia FDC

Sungai-sungai di Malaysia 

Sungai merupakan sumber semulajadi yang amat penting. la menyediakan keperluan air untuk aktiviti harian, pertanian dan sosial. Sebelum kemunculan jalanraya tar dan pengangkutan moden yang lain, sungai-sungai di Malaysia merupakan jaringan pengangkutan utama. Sungai-sungai juga merupakan habitat bagi petbagai species haiwan akuatik, antaranya ikan-ikan yang menjadi hidangan tazat seperti patin, kelah dan jelawat. Peranan sungai sebagai tatuan pengangkutan utama menjurus kepada tebing sungai dan muara menjadi titik pertemuan utama dan tempat untuk perdagangan. Kini, sungai juga digunakan untuk aktiviti-aktiviti lain termasuk eko-pelancongan. Walau bagaimanapun, penggunaan sungai secara metuas mungkin menyebabkan pencemaran dan kemusnahan. Kita perlu mengawal dan menguruskan sungai kita untuk memastikan bahawa is terus mengalir dan kekal mampan untuk dinikmati oteh generasi akan datang. Tiga daripada sungai terpanjang dan paling penting di Malaysia iatah Sungai Pahang di Semenanjung Malaysia, Sungai Kinabatangan di Sabah dan Sungai Rajang di Sarawak. Sungai-sungai ini mempunyai sejarahnya yang tersendiri dan memberi kesan yang besar kepada mereka yang mendiami kawasan di sepanjang sungai ini. 

Rivers in Malaysia Rivers form an important part of a country. It provides fresh water for daily activities, agriculture and also social activities. Before the introduction of tarmac roads and other modern transportation, the rivers and their tributaries in Malaysia were main means of transportation. The rivers are homes for various species of aquatic animals, some of which are popular delicacies like the patin, kelah and jelawat. Being the major transportation lines, riverbanks and estuaries became main meeting points and places for markets and trading posts. Nowadays, rivers are also used for other wide-ranging activities including eco-tourism. However, extensive utilisation of the rivers may lead to their pollution and destruction. We need to control and manage our rivers to ensure that they continue to flow and sustain the lives that are interlinked with these natural resource. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our rivers are not spoiled, polluted and dirtied and that they remain in pristine states for all to enjoy for generations to come. Three of the longest and most important rivers in Malaysia are the Pahang river in Peninsular Malaysia, Kinabatangan river in Sabah and the Rajang river in Sarawak. They have storied histories and huge impact for a large number of people who populated the areas along these rivers. 

Sungai Rajang, Sarawak 

Sungai Rajang yang mengalir sepanjang 563 kilometer ke Laut China Selatan adalah sungai terpanjang di Malaysia. Antara anak-anak sungai utama bagi Sungai Rajang adalah Sungai Baleh, Sungai Balui, Sungai Katibas, Sungai Ngemah, Sungai Iran, Sungai Pita, Sungai Bangkit, Sungai Kanowit dan Sungai Belaga. Sungai Rajang mempunyai sumbernya di pergunungan Iran dan sepanjang perjalanan ke muara, sungai ini memberikan rezeki kepada manusia, haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Sungai Rajang adalah habitat bagi lumba-lumba Irrawaddy (Orcaella brevirostris), ikan Empurau (Tor tambroides) yang terkenal, buaya tembaga (Crocodylus porosus), monyet Proboscis (Nasalis larvatus); burung Enggang (Buceros rhinoceros) dan tumbuh-tumbuhan unik seperti orkid Papilionanthe hookeriana dan tumbuhan Periuk Kera. Kapal-kapal boleh mudik hingga ke petabuhan Sibu yang terletak 60 kilometer di pedalaman. Bot dan kapal kecil naik lagi sehingga160 kilometer ke hulu. Sibu merupakan bandar terbesar di Sungai Rajang dan bandar-bandar utama dan penempatan-penduduk yang lain termasuklah Sarikei, Bintangor, Belaga, Kanowit dan Kapit, yang merupakan bandar besar yang terakhir dihutu. Cara pengangkutan ke pendalaman Sarawak di sepanjang Sungai Rajang adalah bot laju dan bot panjang. Lembangan Sungai Rajang menyediakan tanah pertanian yang subur dan salah satu hash yang paling penting di sini adalah sagu. Sungai Rajang juga merupakan kediaman kepada beberapa fauna yang unik dan menarik seperti monyet, langur, tupai gergasi hitam dan kongkang. Di dalam sungai itu sendiri, Empurau dan Semah merupakan tarikan paling popular di kalangan penduduk tempatan dan pelancong. Lumba-lumba juga sering kelihatan tetapi is hanya mendiami kawasan-kawasan di muara sungai. Sungai Rajang mempunyai banyak daya tarikan samada semulajadi ataupun buatan manusia. Terdapat juga perjalanan pelayaran di Sungai Rajang yang membotehkan pelawat menjelajah sungai dan pergi mendaki dan melawat rumah panjang di sepanjang tebing sungai.

Rajang River, Sarawak 

The Rajang river that flows for 563 kilometers into the South China Sea is the longest river in Malaysia. The main tributaries of the Rajang river includes the Baleh river, Balui river, Katibas river, Ngemah river, Iran river, Pita river, Bangkit river, Kanowit river and Belaga river. The Rajang river has its source in the Iran mountains and along the way to the estuary, the river provide sustenance to people, animals and plants alike. The Rajang river is home to the Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris), the famous Sarawak Empurau (Tor tambroides), the ferocious estuary crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus), the Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), majestic birds such as the Rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros) and unique plants such as the Papilionanthe hookeriana orchids and pitcher plants. Medium size ships can sail upriver to the port in Sibu, which is 60 kilometres inland. Shallow draft boats can go up further for another 160 kilometers. Sibu is the largest city on the Rajang river and other major towns and settlements include Sarikei, Bintangor, Belaga, Kanowit and Kapit, which is the last major town up river. The major form of transport into the interior of Sarawak along the Rajang river are speedboats and longboats. The delta of the Rajang river is fertile land and one of the most important harvests here is sagu. The Rajang river basin is also home to some unique and interesting fauna such as gibbon, Iangurs, black giant squirrel, slow Ms and tarsier. In the river itself the Empurau and Semah reign supreme as the most popular among the locals and tourists alike. Dolphins are also often seen, but they inhabit only the areas in the rivermouth. The Rajang river holds a lot of attractions both natural and man-made. There are also cruise trips on the Rajang river that allow visitors to explore the river and go hiking and visit the longhouses along the riverbanks.

Sungai Pahang, Pahang 

Sungai Pahang mengalir melalui negeri Pahang, Malaysia. la mengalir sepanjang 459 kilometer dan merupakan sungai terpanjang di Semenanjung Malaysia. la bermula di pertemuan Sungai Jelai dan Tembeling di pergunungan Titiwangsa dan berakhir di Laut China Selatan. Dad dataran tinggi, is melalui Kuala Lipis, Kuala Tahan, Kuala Krau, Temerloh, Pekan dan Kuala Pahang. Sungai Pahang dan anak-anak sungainya seperti Sungai Jelai dan Sungai Tembeling mengalir melalui semua daerah di Pahang kecuali Rompin. Rekod-rekod bertulis dalam Hikayat Melayu dan Hikayat Munshi Abdullah menunjukkan bahawa terdapat penempatan di sepanjang tebing Sungai Pahang sejak awal tahun 1400. Pelaut dari Acheh, Palembang, Riau dan daerah lain di Asia Tenggara meneroka Sungai Pahang untuk berdagang dan akhirnya membina penempatan mereka. Pedagang-pedagang mudik dari Muar ke Kuala Pahang di Pekan atau Kuala Lipis dan kemudian meneruskan perjalanan ke Terengganu, Kelantan atau Perak. Masyarakat tempatan mengumpul hasil hutan seperti rotan, gaharu, basil pertanian lain dan menggunakan sungai untuk ke penempatan serta bandar lain untuk berdagang. Had ini, Sungai Pahang masih memainkan peranan penting bukan sahaja bagi penduduk yang mendiami tebing sungai tetapi juga orang-orang dari dari kawasan sekitarnya. Terdapat Indust' perikanan yang pesat dengan sebilangan besar netayan bergantung kepada sungai untuk kehidupan mereka. Eko-pelancongan juga telah menjadi penting sebagai satu lagi sumber pulangan ekonomi. Pelancong tempatan dan antarabangsa pergi ke tempat-tempat menarik di sepanjang Sungai Pahang untuk mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti seperti berakit, memancing, berkhemah dan melawat pelbagai lokasi bersejarah atau tempat menarik. Terdapat tujuh jambatan yang dibina di seluruh Sungai Pahang yang membotehkan perjalanan lancar dan hubungan yang tebih baik. 

Pahang River, Pahang 

The Pahang river flows through the state of Pahang, Malaysia. It is the longest river in Peninsular Malaysia at 459 km in length. It begins at the confluence of fetal river and Tembeling river on the Titiwangsa mountains and ends into the South China Sea. As it flows southeasterly from the highland it passes through Kuala Lipis, Kuala Tahan, Kuala Krau, Temerloh, Pekan and Kuala Pahang. Pahang river and its tributaries, Jelai river and Tembeling river, flow through all districts in Pahang except Rompin. The written records in the Malay Annals and Hikayat Munshi Abdullah indicated that there were settlements along the banks of Pahang river since the early 1400. Seafarers from Acheh, Palembang, Riau and other maritime people of Southeast Asia ventured up Pahang river to trade and eventually built-up their settlements. The trading boats from Muar could sail up to Kuala Pahang in Pekan or Kuala Lipis and then continued into Terengganu, Kelantan or Perak. The people would collect rattan, agarwood and other agricultural produce and travel down river to other settlements and town to trade. Today, the Pahang river still plays an important role not only for the people who inhabits the riverbanks but also those from afar. There is a thriving fish industry with a large number of fishermen depending on the river for their livelihood. Eco-tourism also has grown important as another source of economic returns. Local and international tourist flock to numerous points along the Pahang river to participate in activities such as rafting, fishing, trekking, camping and to visit various historical locations or interesting places. There are seven bridges built across the Pahang river which allowed smoother travel and better connectivity among the people. 

Sungai Kinabatangan, Sabah 

Sungai Kinabatangan di Sabah adalah sungai kedua terpanjang di Malaysia dengan panjangnya 560 kilometer. la bermula di pergunungan di barat daya Sabah dan mengalir ke Laut Sulu di timur. Lembangan Sungai Kinabatangan merupakan tembangan air tawar terbesar di Sabah dan is menempatkan pelbagai flora dan fauna yang unik. la juga menjadi punca rezeki kepada penduduk sekitarnya dan juga menjadi tuan rumah pelbagai aktiviti menarik. Pada zaman dahulu pedagang-pedagang dari empayar China sering belayar ke Sungai Kinabatangan untuk mencari sarang burung yang amat berharga. Kini Sungai Kinabatangan menjadi tuan rumah bagi pelayaran sungai yang membotehkan para petancong melihat kehidupan moden dan tradisional di sepanjang sungai. Di muara Sungai Kinabatangan sebuah tempat perlindungan bagi orangutan telah dibina untuk melindungi dan mempromosikan orang utan dalam habitat semulajadinya. Hutan tanah rendah dan pays bakau di tepi pantai pula menyediakan tempat perlindungan untuk populasi buaya air masin dan kepetbagaian vo a  hidupan liar Borneo, termasuk monyet Proboscis, orang utan Borneo dan gajah Kerdil Borneo. Kawasan ini juga dikenali dengan pelbagai jenis burung. Kesemua Japan spesis burung enggang Borneo boleh didapati di sini. Satu-satunya jambatan yang menyeberangi Sungai Kinabatangan terletak kira-kira 108 kilometer dari Sandakan. Eko-pelancongan sangat penting dan popular serta tembangan Sungai Kinabatangan menyediakan banyak tarikan. Pusat konservasi yang dibina di Sukau menjalankan usaha untuk menjaga dan metindungi haiwan. usaha ini jugs membawa kepada peluang untuk lawatan bagi melihat kepelbagaian semulajadi yang kaya di hutan Sabah. 

Kinabatangan River, Sabah 

The Kinabatangan river in Sabah is the second longest river in Malaysia with a length of 560 kilometres. It started in the mountains in southwest Sabah and flows out into the Sulu Sea in the east. The Kinabatangan river basin is the biggest freshwater basin in Sabah and is home to various flora and fauna that are unique. It provides sustenance to the population and also host myriad activities. It is claimed that traders from the Chinese empire used to travel up the Kinabatangan river in search of precious bird nests that they covet. Nowadays, the Kinabatangan plays host to river cruises that allow tourists to see lives along the river, both modern and traditional. Downriver near the rivermouth, a sanctuary for orangutan was esrtablished to protect and promote the orangutan in its natural habitat. The lowland forests and mangrove swamps near the coast provide sanctuary for a population of saltwater crocodiles and has a high concentration of Borneo's wildlife, including the indigenous proboscis monkeys, Bornean orangutan and Borneo pygmy elephants. The area is also known for its great variety of birdlife. All eight species of the majestic hornbills of Borneo can be found here. The only bridge crossing the Kinabatangan river is located about 108 kilometres from Sandakan. Ecotourism is very important and popular as the Kinabatangan river basin provides numerous attractions. A conservation centre established in Sukau leads the efforts to maintain and protect animals. This leads to managed tours that bring visitors to see the rich natural diversity in the forest of Sabah. 

Butiran Teknikal / Technical Details

Tarikh Keluaran / Date of Issue 27.02.2018
Denominasi Setem / Stamp Denomination 60sen (65sen) & 80sen (85sen) 
Saiz Setem / Stamp Size 70mm x 30mm 
Kandungan Helaian / Sheet Content 10 setem / 10 stamps 
Tebukan / Perforation 13 - 131/2 
Denominasi Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Denomination RM8 (RM8.501 
Saiz Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Size 180mm x 60mm
Saiz Setem Dalam Lembaran Mini / Stamp Size in Miniature Sheet 160mm x 30mm 
Tebukan / Perforation 13 - 131/2 
Kertas / Paper 102 grams PVA Gummed OBA-free stamp paper 
Proses Percetakan / Printing Process Litografi / Lithography 
Pencetak / Printer Thai British Security Printing, Thailand 
Pereka Bentuk / Designer Reign Associates Sdn. Bhd. 
Samput Surat Hari Pertama / First Day Cover 55sen 
Folder / Folder RM6.35

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Australia 1993 : Trains of Australia FDC

Introduced in 1854, trains soon carried passengers and freight in and between memorate the introducti Tasmania's special Cen in February1971. From Spirit of Progress ran bet‘ passengers changed trc the Western Endeavour Australia by standard g Australia's first fully air train, the Silver City Co and Parkes from 1937 t a modern train with a passengers between Ad Kuranda Tourist Train 
ins soon carried passengers and the Australian colonies. To corn-on of trains to the island colony, tenary Train made several journeys N1937 to 1954 the streamlined ween Melbourne and Albury, where 'ins for Sydney. Hauled by 3801, made the first steam crossing of gauge in Australia in 1970. -conditioned diesel passenger met, travelled between Broken Hill o 1989. Since 1980 the new Ghan, diesel locomotive, has carried elaide and Alice Springs. The asses the spectacular Barron Falls to the mountains. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Australia 1994 : The 50th Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race FDC

The 50th Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race, one of the three major offshore races in the world, commences on Boxing Day 1994. Yachts of all sizes compete, the small given a chance against the huge maxis by a sophisticated handicapping system. From Sydney Harbour the yachts sail south along the New South Wales coast, cross Bass Strait, continue down the east coast of Tasmania and sail up the River Derwent. Although public attention tends to focus on the line honours battle, the eventual winner is usually not the yacht that crosses the line first. 

Stamp designs John Spatchurst, Sydney 
Cover design FHA Melbourne Photograph David Clare 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Australia 2000 : Great Southern Land FDC


Great Southern Land is a new range of International Post stamps that celebrate Australia's natural beauty. The new stamps are a distinctive shape and carry International Post branding in order to clearly distinguish international mail from domestic mail. The range is being introduced to enable Australia Post to comply with the Australian Government's new tax legislation, which comes into effect on 1 July 2000. 

Stamp and cover design: Beth McKinlay, Australia Post Design Studio 
Stamp photographs: Hinders Ranges (Stavros Pippos); Twelve Apostles (Shane Pedersen/Wildlight); Devils Marbles (Phil Gray) 
Cover photograph: Lake Hart, SA (Grenville Turner/Wildlight) 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Australia 1995 : Australia and China ,JOINT STAMP ISSUE FDC

Australia and China ,JOINT STAMP ISSUE 

The koala and the panda, beloved icons of their respective countries, were selected for depiction on the joint stamp issue between the Commonwealth of Australia and the People's Republic of China. Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) are found from Queensland to Victoria and parts of South Australia, in areas where suitable eucalpyt trees are available for feeding. Koala habitat has been diminished by clearance of land for agriculture, and the species is protected. 

Even more under threat is the Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca); confined to small areas of Shanxi, Gansu and Sichuan provinces. An estimated 1,200 pandas survive in the wild, and efforts are under way to save the species from extinction. 

Stamp and miniature sheet design: Xu Yanbo, Beijing 
First day cover design: Sophie Newman, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio
First day cover illustration: Marg Towt, Melbourne 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Australia 1985 : Classic Children Books FDC


A distinctively Australian identity may be discerned in the literature created for children before the second world war. Australian fairyland creatures were drawn by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. whose first book to be reproduced in colour was Elves and Fairia issued in 1916. In 1918, two enduring masterpieces were published: May Gibbs Tales of5hugglepot and Cuddlepic and The Magic Pudding by Norman Lindsay. Blirthy Bill a well-loved character devised by Dorothy Wall, first emerged in print in 1933. These book illustrations are complemented by Ginger Mews, the famous comic strip character created originally in 1921 by J. C. Bancks. 

Designer: Peter Leuver, Sydney 
First day cover designer: Sue Titcher, 
Australia Post Graphic Design Studio Australia Post

Friday, July 24, 2020

Malaysia 2000 : Permainan Tradisional Kanak-kanak Siri 2 FDC


Alam kanak-kanak adalah masa yang amat menyeronokkan dan mereka ingin mencuba pelbagai jenis permainan. Namun begitu jarang sekali kita melihat permainan tradisional kanak-kanak dirnainkan pada masakini. Ini adalah kerana kanak-kanak kini lebih terdedah kepada permainan elektronik yang hanya memerlukan mereka mengendalikan komputer. Namun bila kita renungkan sejenak, alangkah rugi jika ini berterusan dan permainan tradisional pastinya akan hilang ditelan zaman. justeru itu, sebagai warga yang cinta akan keindahan permainan tradisional maka pelbagai usaha perlu dilakukan bagi menarik hati kanak-kanak agar menyukainya kembali. Di antara permainan tradisional adalah seperti `Sepak Raga', 'Letup-Letup', 'Gasing' dan 'Baling Tin'. Kesemua permainan ini mudah dimainkan dan memberi keseronokan, kerana is perlu menggerakkan anggota tubuh di samping mencerdaskan mental. Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk permainan ini juga mudah diperolehi seperti buluh, kayu, rotan dan tali. 

Sepak Raga

Sepak Raga dirnainkan oleh empat hingga lima orang kanak-kanak yang perlu `menimang' bola seberapa lama 111 boleh sebelum disambut oleh yang lain. Pemain berada di 1 m satu bulatan dan setiap pemain akan berpeluang menimang bola yang diperbuat daripada rotan. 


Gasing boleh dimainkan oleh dua atau lebih kanak-kanak. Gasing hanya perlu dililitkan dengan tali dan dilontar ke tengah gelanggang. Pihak lawan pula hanya perlu `memangkah' gasing yang sedang berputar seboleh-bolehnya sehingga gasing tersebut berhenti berputar. Begitulah seterusnya permainan disaihtingoleh pemain lain dan gasing yang berputar paling lama dikira sebagai pemenang.

Baling Tin 

Baling Tin juga sangat digemari oleh kanak-kanak dahulii kerana permainan ini sungguh menyeronokkan. Pemain terdiri daripada dna pasukan yang terdiri dari tiga orang atau lebih. Clara bermain adalah dengan menyusun beberapa biji tin kosong yang sama saiz. Bola digunakan untuk mein-baling tin-tin tersebut dari satu jarak yang ditetapkan. Permainan dimulakan dengan salah satu pasukan membaling sehingga susunan tin tumbang dan perlu menyusunnya semula. Sekiranya bola terkena kepada si penyusun sebelum selesai menyusun, maka dia dikira kalah dan permainan akan diteruskan oleh pihaklawan. 


Letup-Letup sering dikaitkan dengan permainan 'perang-perang'. Seruas buluh yang kecil berukuran lebih kurang satu kaki digunakan sebagai senjata. Peluru diperbuat daripada kertas lembap yang dibulatkan dengan padat dan dimasukkan ke dalam buluh kemudian ditolak ke dalam ngan rnenggunakan buluh yang h kecil sebagai laras. Peluru akan eluru ke luar dengan pantas dan mengenai sasaran. 


Childhood is a time full of r joy with children incessantly trying to have fun playing all kinds of games. Nowadays, however, we seldom see them playing the traditional children's games. That's because the kids of today are more exposed to electronic games where they just have to sit in front of a computer. Just think, what are a great waste it would be if this trend continues and these traditional games eventually become just a faded memory. Therefore, as concerned citizens who love and treasure the wonder of traditional games, we should make every effort to revive interest in these games and popularise them among children of this era. Such traditional games include Sepak Raga, Letup-Letup, Gasing and Baling Tin. These games are simple to play yet provide endless fun because they all require physical movement while indirectly stimulating the children's minds. The materials needed to play such games, such as bamboo , sticks, rattan and string are easily available. 


Sepak Raga, or kicking the rattan ball, is played by four to five children who must 'juggle' the ball with one foot for as long as they can before passing it to a friend. Players form a circle and each player gets a chance to kick ball made from woven split rattan.


Gasing, or top spinning, can be played by two or more children. A string is wound around the top and held firmly while the top is hurled into the centre of the court. The opponent must then hurl his top to 'nail' the spinning top and if possible make it stop spinning. The other players then take their turn to continue the game and the palyer with the longest spinning top wins. 


Baling Tin, bowling the cans, is also very popular among children because it is really enjoyable. Participants are divided into two teams of three or more players each. Several empty cans of the same size are stacked up. A ball is tossed from a pre-determined distance. The game begin with one of the teams trying to bowl over the cans and then re-stacking them. If the ball hits the person arranging the cans before he fnishes re-stacking them, his team loses and the opponent will continue with the game.


Letup-Letup, or 'bang-bang' is always associated with the game `perang-perang' or mock battle. A piece of bamboo measuring about a foot is used as a weapon. The bullets are made of balls of damp paper which are loaded into the barrel using a smaller piece of bamboo as a shaft. The bullet will shoot out at high speed and hit the target. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Malaysia 2019 : Keluaran Khas Setem Peringatan FDC

Keluaran Khas Setem Peringatan / Commemorative stamps issue 


Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah telah diputerakan pada 30 Julai 1959 di Istana Mangga Tunggal, Pekan, Pahang. Baginda merupakan paduka putera sulung Sultan Ahmad Shah, Sultan bagi negeri Pahang dan seluruh jajahan takluknya.

Latar belakang pendidikan awal Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda telah bermula di Sekolah Clifford, Kuala Lipis pada tahun 1965. Kemudian Baginda telah menyambung persekolahan peringkat rendah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Ahmad, Pekan (1966-1969) dan Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan St Thomas, Kuantan serta pengajian peringkat menengah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St Thomas (1970-1974). 

Dalam usia 16 tahun, Baginda kemudiannya berangkat melanjutkan pengajian ke Aldenham School, Elstree, Hertfordshire, UK pada tahun 1975-1977. Pengajian Baginda kemudiannya diteruskan dalam bidang ketenteraan di The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, UK (1978-1979). Pada tahun 1980-1981, Baginda telah meneruskan pengajian peringkat diploma di Worchester & Queen Elizabeth College, UK dalam bidang International Relations And Diplomacy.

Pada 1 Julai 1975, Baginda telah dilantik sebagai Kebawah Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Mahkota Pahang dan kemudiannya telah dirnasyhurkan pada 23 Oktober 1977 di Istana Abu Bakar, Pekan. 

Dalam usia baharu sahaja menjangkau 20 tahun, Baginda telah dilantik menjadi Penaangku Raja Pahang untuk tempoh lima tahun bermula pada 28 April 1979, iaitu selama tempoh ayahanda Baginda Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Abu Bakar Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mu'adzam Shah menjadi Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong VII. 

KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda telah bertemu jodoh dengan KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah iaitu puteri ketiga kepada Sultan Johor, Sultan Iskandar. Pengantin Diraja Pahang dan Johor ini telah diijabkabulkan pada 6 Mac 1986 di Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor dan Istiadat Membatalkan Air Sembahyang telah diadakan di Istana Bukit Serene. Hasil perkahwinan tersebut Baginda berdua telah dikurniakan dengan empat orang putera dan lima orang puteri. 

Seperti kelazimannya, sebagai pewaris takhta, KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda telah didedahkan dengan bidang ketenteraan sejak dari awal lagi. Komitmen Baginda dalam bidang ketenteraan sangat terserlah sehingga dilantik sebagai Leftenan Muda, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, England sehingga menerima pentauliahan oleh Queen Elizabeth II pada tahun 1980. 

Baginda juga adalah Kapten bagi pasukan Kor Kavelri Diraja Malaysia dan dilantik menjadi Leftenan Kolonel, Rejimen 505 Askar Wataniah pada 1 Mei 1999. Sifat kepimpinan Baginda dalam bidang ketenteraan sentiasa dikagumi sehingga Baginda dilantik menjadi Kolonel, Rejimen 505 Askar Wataniah pada 1 Jun 2000 dan kemudiannya menjadi Brigadier Jeneral, Komander Rejimen 505 Askar Wataniah pada 1 April 2004. 

KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda jugs sangat aktif dalam bidang sukan. Antara bidang sukan yang diminati adalah polo, bola sepak dan hold. Baginda bukan sahaja aktif di dalam negara malahan jugs di luar negara dan pernah mengetuai pasukan Polo Diraja Pahang dalam perlawanan antarabangsa di Windsor Polo Club, England serta mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan di Singapura, Filipina, Brunei, Argentina, Amerika Syarikat, Sepanyol, Belgium dan Thailand. Kehebatan Baginda dalam sukan Polo terbukti apabila berjaya menggondol pingat emas pada temasya Sukan SEA ke-12 di Singapura pada tahun 1983.

Pencapaian Baginda dalam bidang sukan sangat terserlah sehinggakan Baginda diberi kepercayaan untuk memegang beberapa jawatan penting persatuan-persatuan sukan di dalam dan di luar negara. Antara jawatan yang pernah disandang adalah Presiden Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM), Ahli Majlis Persekutuan Bola Sepak ASEAN (AFF), Vice President of Asian Football Confederation. Baginda juga telah mencipta sejarah tersendiri apabila dipilih antara tiga Anggota Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Persekutuan Bola Sepak Antarabangsa (FIFA) mewakili Asia untuk penggal 2015-2019.

KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong sangat sinonim dengan sifat sopan dalam menyantuni rakyat. Ini adalah hasil didikan penuh kasih sayang yang disemai sejak kecil lagi oleh Almarhum Paduka Ayahanda Sultan Ahmad Shah serta bondanya, Almarhumah Tengku Ampuan Afzan Rahimahallah Tengku Panglima Perang Tengku Muhammad. 

Keprihatinan Baginda dan Tuanku Perrnaisuri dalam menyelami denyut nadi rakyat dapat dilihat dengan jelas bila mana Baginda sentiasa dilihat dengan segera mencemar duli untuk bertanya khabar, memberi kata-kata semangat dan mengurniakan sumbangan peribadi setiap kali mendengar rakyat Baginda ditimpa bencana. 

Sesungguhnya Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah adalah seorang raja yang berjiwa rakyat. Dengan keperibadian yang mulia dan legasi pemerintahan berpaksikan kata keramat 'Raja dan rakyat berpisah tiada' yang diwarisi daripada Paduka Ayahanda ini membuatkan Baginda Tuanku sangat disayangi rakyat jelata terutamanya rakyat negeri Pahang tanah tumpah darah Baginda.

Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet 

Istiadat Melafaz Sumpah dan Menandatangani Surat Sumpah Jawatan sebagai Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'Ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah di Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur pada 31 Januari 2019. 


Tarikh Ketuaran / Date of Issue 30.07.2019 
Denominasi / Denomination 60sen, 80sen & RM1 
Saiz Setem / Stamp Size 40mm X 50mm 
Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet RM5.00 
Saiz Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Size 80mm X 80mm 
Saiz Setem datam Lembaran Mini / Stamp Size inside Miniature Sheet 40mm X 70mm 
Tebukan / Perforation 14 
Kandungan Helaian / Sheet Content 16 Setem / 16 Stamp 
Kertas / Paper 102 gsm Stamp Paper OBA Free, PVA Gummed from Tullis Russel TR8 
Proses Percetakan / Printing Proses Litografi / Lithography 
Pencetak / Printer Southern Colour Print, New Zealand 
Pereka Bentuk Setem / Stamp Designer World Communications Network Resources Sdn Bhd 
Samput Surat Hari Pertama / First Day Cover 50sen 
Folder/Folder RM6.00 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Malaysia 2018 : Limau Malaysia FDC

Limau Malaysia Limau adalah dari keluarga sitrus yang dipercayai berasal dari Asia Tenggara dan banyak terdapat di Malaysia. la adalah antara buah sitrus yang paling masam, tetapi aromanya yang kuat dan rasanya yang tersendiri menjadikannya agen perasa yang popular. Limau merupakan sumber Vitamin C yang sangat baik dan sering digunakan sebagai perasa dalam masakan dan minuman. Di Malaysia, terdapat beberapa jenis limau yang senang didapati dengan ciri-ciri kegunaannya tersendiri. Antaranya termasuklah limau kasturi, limau nipis dan limau purut; yang merupakan jenis limau yang terkecil dalam keluarga sitrus manakala yang terbesar ialah Limau Bali. Limau digunakan untuk menambah rasa dalam banyak masakan Malaysia. Daunnya yang harum juga mengeluarkan bau wangi apabila digunakan dalam masakan. Lazimnya, jus limau diperah sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam makanan untuk menambahkan rasa. Pada hari yang panas, jus limau dan jus plum masam sesuai diminum untuk menyegarkan dan menghilangkan rasa dahaga. 

Malaysian Citrus Limes are from the citrus family that are believed to be native to Southeast Asia and are largely available in Malaysia. It's the least sweet of the citrus fruits, but its aromatic, strong and distinctive taste make it a popular flavouring agent. Limes are an excellent source of Vitamin C and are often used to accent the flavours of foods and beverages. The lime family includes some varieties, each with distinctive characteristics and uses. In Malaysia, the types of limes readily available include the Calamondin lime, Key lime and Kaffir lime; which are the smallest in the citrus family whilst the largest is the Pomelo. Limes are used to flavour many Malaysian cuisines. Its fragrant leaves emit aromatic character when used in cooking. Its flavourful juice is squeezed into food to enhance the taste. On hot, humid days, refreshing lime and sour plum juice are refreshing thirst quenchers. 

Limau kasturi /Calamondin Lime (Citrus microcarpa)

Limau kasturi yang banyak didapati di Malaysia berukuran 2.5sm diameter dan boleh didapati sepanjang tahun. Di dalam persekitaran tropika, is berwarna hijau apabila matang sepenuhnya, tetapi berwarna jingga terang di iktim lain. la mempunyai kulit yang sangat nipis dan mempunyal 5-10 biji dan 7-9 segmen. Rasanya sangat masam dan berasid walaupun ketika masak. Kutit timau kasturi juga boleh digunakan sebagai ubat untuk beberapa penyakit seperti batuk, lelah dan pening. Jus limau puta sering dijadikan minuman dan juga digunakan untuk menambah rasa dalam masakan. 

The Calamondin lime is an inch in diameter and available year-round. A native of China, it is now grown throughout southeast Asia. In tropical environments, it's green when fully matured, but develops a vibrant orange in other climates. It has a very thin adherent skin with 5-10 seeds and 7-9 segments. It's incredibly tart and acidic even when fully ripe. They are often used as a juicing citrus, preserved in jellies, jams, marmalades and used to flavour food in Southeast Asian cuisine. 

Limau Purut / Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix) 

Limau purut dikenali dengan kulit yang menggerutu. Limau ini berukuran 4sm diameter; berkulit kasar dan bertukar dari warna hijau menjad kuning bila masak. Daun timau purut mempunyai aroma dan rasa yang unik dan digunakan untuk sebahagian masakan. Walaupun jusnya tidak sering digunakan datam masakan, minyak dari kulit dan daunnya diambil untuk pembuatan minyak wangi dan minyak pati. Jusnya juga digunakan untuk salap, syampu, tonik, manakala buahnya digunakan dalam upacara keagamaan. 

The Kaffir lime is recognisable by its sizeable wrinkled appearance. The fruit measures 4 cm in diameter; with a rough skin that changes from green and to yellow when it ripens. Its leaves have a distinctive aroma and flavour; and used in some dishes. Though the juice is not often used in cooking, the zest of the rind is used for perfumes and essential oils. The juice is also found in ointments, shampoos, tonics and fruit is used in religious ceremonies.

Limau Nipis / Key Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) 

Limau nipis berukuran 2.5-5 sm diameter dengan kutit berwarna hijau kekuningan. Kulitnya berkilat dan Lich dan isinya berwarna hijau kekuningan, berair dan masam. Baunya yg wangi menjadikan limau nipis disukai ramai sebagai minuman yang menyegarkan dan juga digunakan dalam masakan.

The Key lime is approximately 2.5-5 cm in diameter with a pale yellowish-green skin. The skin is smooth with a yellowish-green flesh that is juicy and sour. Its aromatic smell makes the juice a favourite thirst-quencher and is also used in cooking.

Limau Bali / Pomelo (Citrus grandis) 

Limau bali adalah buah sitrus yang besar dengan diameter berukuran 15-25 sm, biasanya seberat lebih kurang 1 kilogram. Isi limau bali adalah berair, manis dan kulitnya sangat tebal dan berwarna hijau atau kuning pucat. Isinya berwarna putih pucat, kadang-kadang merah jambu atau merah. Kulit tebalnya direbus dan digunakan untuk sebagai perasa untuk sup, atau dijeruk untuk digunakan sebagai hiasan. la juga mempunyai banyak manfaat kesihatan serta kosmetik.

Pomelo is a large citrus fruit approximately 15-25 cm in diameter, usually weighing over 1 kg. Pomelos are juicy and sweet, and has a very thick rind inside of the skin, with pale green or yellow exterior. The flesh is pale white, sometimes pink or red in colour. Its thick rind is boiled and used to flavour soups, or pickled for use as a flavourful garnish. It also has lots of health benefits as well as a number of cosmetic purposes.

Butiran TeknikaL / Technical Details 

Tarikh Keluaran / Date of Issue 24.04.2018 
Denominasi / Denomination 60sen (65sen) x 3 reka bentuk / designs 
Saiz Setem / Stamp Size 30mm x 40.5mm 
Kandungan Helaian / Sheet Content 20 setem / 20 stamps 
Tebukan / Perforation 13 - 13.6 
Denominasi Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Denomination RM6 (RM6.35*) 
Saiz Lembaran Mini / Miniature Sheet Size 60mm x 68mm 
Saiz Setem Dalam Lembaran Mini / Stamp Size in Miniature Sheet 38mm x 38mm 
Kertas / Paper 102 grams PVA Gummed OBA-free stamp paper 
Proses Percetakan / Printing Process Litografi / Lithography 
Pencetak / Printer Thai British Security Printing, Thailand 
Pereka Bentuk / Designer Reign Associates Sdn. Bhd. Sampul 
Surat Hari Pertama / First Day Cover 55sen 
Folder / Folder RM6.35

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Malaysia 1997 : Tahun Antarabangsa Terumbu Karang FDC

Terumbu karang adalah struktur `calcareous' yang terdapat di perairan tropika yang mampu menyokong berbagai jenis kehidupan !aut. lanya terbentuk daripada jutaan organisma yang dipanggil `polyps'. Terumbu karang merupakan kawasan yang cantik dan kaya dengan pelbagai warna dan rupa bentuk. Terumbu karang tidak boleh hidup dan terbentuk di dalam air tawar. ltulah sebabnya kekarang tidak terdapat dikawasan dimana air tawar mengalir kelaut. 

Terdapat tiga jenis terumbu karang yang utama iaitu 'fringing reef', 'barrier reef' dan 'atoll'. 'Fringing reef' terbentuk berhampiran dengati pantai yang berbatu. `Barrier reef' adalah besar dan kebanyakannya terdapat jauh dari pantai. pula berbentuk seperti cincin atau ladam kuda dan ianya terletak dipuncak gunung berapi yang sudah tenggelam dan mengelilingi lagun. 

Terdapat lebih kurang 2,500 spesis kekarang yang telah dikenalpasti dalam berbagai bentuk dan saiz. Berbentuk tersusun dan bertingkat-tingkat, Icubah dan tanduk rusa hinggalah kepada yang berbentuk seperti kubis dan cawan. 

Terumbu karang boleh didapati di seratus buah negara yang berlautan tropika. Sejak beribu tahun yang lalu sehinggalah sekarang, komuniti pantai masih bergantung hidup kepada ekosistem terumbu sebagai sumber pelbagai jenis hasil. Sebagai contoh, di Malaysia, lebih daripada 50% makanan laut kita adalah daripada terumbu karang dan kawasan sekelilingnya. Terumbu karang juga merupakan tempat pembiakan yang penting bagi ikan dan lain-lain kehidupan laut. 

Namun demikian, terumbu karang sedang mengalami kemerosotan yang serius terutamanya yang berdekatan dengan kawasan air cetek dan yang mempunyai kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi. Adalah dianggarkan bahawa 10% daripada terumbu karang dunia sudah dalam keadaan yang membimbangkan dan peratus yang lebih besar lagi sedang terancam. Jika keadaan ini dibiarkan berterusan, kemerosotan ini boleh mengakibatkan kehilangan yang besar kepada sumber terumbu dunia untuk abad akan datang. 

Sejajar dengan ancaman yang sedang dihadapi oleh terumbu karang diseluruh dunia, tahun 1997 telah diistiharkan sebagai Tahun Antarabangsa bagi Terurnbu Karang. Kempen secara global ini merupakan usaha secara tidak formal diantara kerajaan, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, badan-badan perniagaan dan saintis dengan satu matlamat untuk menekankan kepentingan terumbu dalam pembangunan yang mampan disamping menggalakkan usaha-usaha pemuliharaan dalam menangani isu kemusnahan terumbu karang. 

Tahun Antarabangsa bagi Terumbu Karang (IYOR) akan menyediakan satu pelan konsep yang menyeluruh bagi usaha-usaha yang akan dijalankan disemua peringkat dan akan menjalinkan kerjasama dan penyelarasan diantara setiap organisasi dan program-program bagi penyelidikan dan pengurusan terumbu karang. Sehingga kini, lebih daripada 50 organisasi di seluruh dunia telah menyatakan sokongan untuk (IYOR). 

Coral reefs are tropical, shallow water, calcareous structures which support a diverse association of marine plants and animals. Built by millions of minute organisms called polyps, coral reefs are immensly beautiful, unmatched in richness of colour and intracity of form. Corals do not grow in fresh water environment. This accounts for the absence of corals where fresh water flows into the sea. 

There are three types of coral reefs: fringing reef, barrier reef and atoll. Fringing reefs are formed close to the shores on rocky coastlines. Barrier reefs are massive and tend to be separated further from the land. Atolls are ring or horseshoe shaped reefs which rest on the summit of submerged volcanoes and surround a lagoon.

There are some 2,500 known species of coral that occur in a large variety of shapes and sizes. They range from large tabular terraces, rounded domes and branching staghorns to cabbage-like and cup-like structures. 

Coral reefs can be found in over 100 countries of the tropical seas. For thousand of years coastal communities have relied on reefs for a host of products and until today, people continue to depend on them. For instance, in Malaysia, more than 50% of our seafood comes from coral reefs and their vicinity. Coral reefs are important breeding grounds for fish and other forms of marine life. 

Yet ironically, coral reefs are in a state of serious decline globally, especially those near shallow shelves and dense population. It has been estimated that 10% of the earth's coral reefs have already been seriously degraded and a much greater percentage threatened. If allowed to continue, this decline is likely to lead to the loss of most of the world's reef resources during the next century. 

In response to the growing threats to coral reefs around the world, 1997 has been declared the International Year of Reef (IYOR). This global campaign is an effort, by an informal coalition of governments, non government organizations, business associations and scientists to highlight the importance of reefs to sustainable development and to spur conservation efforts worldwide to reverse the trend of coral reef destruction. 

International Year of The Reef '97 will also provide a global context for national and regional efforts and will promote collaboration and co-ordination between organizations and programmes with common interest and aims in reef management and research. Over 50 organizations worldwide have pledged their support for (IYOR). 


Spesis ini adalah sejenis batu karang yang boleh membiak secara sendiri dan mempunyai polip yang berwarna kuning. Spesis ini lebih menggemari kawasan-kawasan yang terlindung dan tidak terdedah kepada cahaya yang terang dan kebiasaannya terdapat disudut-sudut yang tersembunyi dan dicelah-celah batu karang yang bersaiz besar. Polio dan sesungutnya akan dikeluarkan pada waktu malam untuk menangkap plakton sebagai makanan.


This species is a common Ahermtypic (asexual) hardcoral with bright yellow polyps. It prefers sheltered and overcast areas and thus, normally found on nooks and crevices of coral boulders. Its coral polyps with their tentacles extended from their skeleton are normally open at night to capture plankton as food. 


Spesis ini dipanggil Kipas Laut mudah dikenali kerana bentuknya menyerupai kipas, kebiasaanya berwarna terang (merah, unggu dan kuning) dan ada setengahnya berwarna kelabu. lanya banyak terdapat dikawasan air yang dalam dimana intensiti cahayanya adalah kurang. Makanan diperolehi melalui proses penapis, oleh itu orentasi kedudukan kipasnya adalah pada sudut tepat dengan arah arus air bagi memaksimakan pendedahan polipnya kepada sumber makanan. Saiznya boleh menjangkau ketinggian melebihi 1.0 meter. 


The sea fans easily recognised by their fan-like shape are often brightly coloured (red, purple and yellow), although some come in shades of grey Normally found in the deeper areas with low light intensity, they are filter feeders and hence the orientation of their fans are perpendicular to the current to allow its polyps maximum exposure to the food source. They can grow to quite a large size of more than 1.0 metre tall. 


Ikan ini mempunyai bentuk badan yang panjang dan pipih dengan 8 —12 sirip atas yang terasing dan sesungut pendek dibahagian dagu bawah. Berupaya menukar berbagai warna badan dan menjadikan ikan kecil mangsanya secara menyedut menggunakan muncungnya yang panjang dalam keadaan kepalanya menjunam kebawah. Biasanya ikan ini akan berada bersama ikan yang lebih besar bagi memudahkannya mendekati mangsanya. 


Trumpet fish are elongated, compressed fish with 8 — 12 isolated dorsal fin spines and a shod barbel at the tip of the lower jaw They are capable of a variety of colour changeS and are piscivorous, pipetting smaller fishes with their long snouts, while laying motionless in a vertical head-down position. Often they will accompany a larger fish in order to get closer to their prey.


la dipanggil batu karang otak kerana menyerupai otak manusia, adalah bukan sejenis batu karang yang terdapat secara meluas dan boleh didapati dibahagian atas struktur terumbu. Secara penglihatannya, spesis ini mudah dikenali dari pembentukkan sisi yang selari diantara dua dinding sisi yang bersebelahan. Tisu batu karang ini dilitupi oleh koralum, biasanya berwarna coklat, hijau dan putih. Mulut kecil batu karang terletak dicelah lurah diantara sisi dan sesunggut biasanya tidak kelihatan pada slang hari. 


The Brain coral resembling the human brain is not a particularily common coral and can be found on upper reef slopes. Visually, this species can be identified by the lateral fussion between adjacent lateral walls. The corallum is covered by slightly fleshy tissue that is usually brown, green or white. Small mouths are visible in the valleys and tentacles are generally retracted during the day 


Digelar Penyu Agar atau Penyu Hijau kerana lemak badannya berwarna hijau, namun kulit belakangnya adalah kerns dan berwarna coklat tua. Purata saiz panjang penyu ini lebih kurang 1.2 meter. Makanan utamanya adalah rumput laut dan setengah populasi penyu ini memakan rumpair. Bilangan telur setiap sarang adalah diantara 100 hingga 140 biji dengan garis pusat setiap telur berukuran 5.0 cm. Masa yang diambil untuk menetas adalah diantara 50 hingga 70 hari. 


The Green turtle is so called because of the presence of a green fat in its body, even though the colouration of its carapace is dark brown. It has an average size of about 1.2 metres in length. It feeds mainly on seagrass and in some species on seaweed. It can lay between 100 — 140 eggs per nesting at 5.0 cm each in diameter. The hatching period is normally between 50 — 70 days. 

BUTIRAN TEKNIK / Technical Details  

Tarikh Keluaran/Date of Issue : 23.8.1997
Denominasil/Denomination : 20 sen, 30 sen, 50 sen & RM1.00
Saiz Setem/Stamp Size  : 27.38 mm x 37.5 mm 
Tebukan/Perforation : 14
Kandungan Helaian/Sheet Content  : Helaian mengandungi 25 setem setiap bahagianl2 linked panes of 25 stamps
Denominasi Lembaran Mini/ Denomination of M/Sheet : RM2.00 
Saiz Lembaran Mini/Miniature Sheet Size : 70 mm x 100 mm 
Saiz Setem Dlm. L/Mini/Stamp Size in M/Sheet : 37.5 mm x 27.38 mm
Kertas/Paper : Tidak Tera Air, Bersalut Fosfor/ Unwatermarked, Phosphor Coated
Proses Percetakan/Printing Process : LitografilLithography
Pencetak/Printer  Southern Colour Print, N.Zealand 
Pereka Bentuk Setem/Designer  The Sharper Image Sdn. Bhd.
Sampul Surat Had Pertama/First Day Cover :   20 sen 
Pek CenderamatalPresentation Pack : RM3.00 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Australia 1983 : Australian Folklore-The Sentimental Bloke FDC


Since The songs of a sentimental bloke first appeared in print as a series of poems published in the Bulletin in 1909, the work has achieved a unique place in Australian culture. Written by C. J. Dennis, the songs capture the Australian street-slang idiom of the early decades of the twentieth century. The songs were issued in book form in October 191S and saw fifteen editions published by the end of 1917. Widely recited in public, The sentimental bloke became the subject of a silent film in 1918, a stage play in 1922, a sound film in 1932, a musical in 1961, and numerous records, radio and television programs. 

Glossary of slang words quoted on the stamps (from the glossary provided in the book, The songs of a sentimental bloke): 

Bloke—A male adult of the genus homo 
Coot—A person of no account (used contemptuously) 
Hitched—Entangled in the bonds of holy matrimony 
To dip the lid—To raise the hat 
Mooch—To saunter aimlessly 
Orfis, office—A warning; a word of advice; a hint 
Strike—The innocuous remnant of a hardy curse 
Smoogin'—To flatter or fawn; to bill & coo 

Stamps and first day cover design: Brian Clinton, Melbourne

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Australia 1984 : Skiing in Australia FDC

Skiing in Australia Skiing was introduced into Australia in 1861 by Norwegian miners searching for gold in Australia's alpine regions. Tbday, Australia's extensive winter snowfields are a major attraction for sports lovers. 

Popular styles of competition skiing are shown on the Skiing in Australia stamps. They are the high-speed Downhill Racer; the Nordic cross-country style; Slalom, where skiers steer their way through 'gates" of poles and flags; and the choreographed routines of Freestyle skiing. 

Stamp designs: John Richards, Sydney (Downhill Racer and Nordic); Brian Clinton, Melbourne (Slalom and Freestyle). 
Cover design: Brian Clinton, Melbourne. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Australia 1989 : The Urban Environment FDC


Australia has long been known as a land of wide open spaces and rural industries. In fact most Australians live and work in an urban environment. The latest census figures show that 85 per cent of the population lives in centres with more than 1000 inhabitants. 

Photography: Sally Newell, Melbourne. 
Stamp typography and cover design: Carolyn Limonta, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Australia 1987 : Aboriginal Crafts FDC

Aboriginal Crafts Aborigines bring skill and imagination to the making of practical utensils and hunting implements, shown in the details depicted in the Aboriginal craft stamps. The basket and belt are deftly woven from reeds, grasses and bark fibres in contrasting colours. Painted designs add interest to texture, on the belt, wooden bowl and wooden shield. The spearthrower relies on carving for its decoration. 

Stamp Designs: Jim Passmore, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio. 
Cover Design: Sandra Baker, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio. Photography: Michael Laurie, Melbourne. 

Aboriginal Artifacts made available by courtesy of Museum of Victoria Council. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Australia 1987 : The Man From Snowy River FDC

Australian Folklore: The Man from Snowy River 

He sent the flint-stones flying, but the pony kept his feet
He cleared the fallen timber in his stride, 
And the man from Snowy River never shifted in his seat - 
It was grand to see that mountain horseman ride .. . 

A. B. (Banjo) Paterson's exciting tale of The Man from Snowy River has been popular since it first appeared in the Bulletin in 1890. The skills of this crack mountain rider - who alone succeeded in rounding up the wild horses - has been further immortalised by the recent film version of the story.

Stamp design and cover illustrations: Connell Lee, Buninyong, Victoria. 
Cover design: Janet Boschen, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio. 
Reference material supplied by Geoff Burrowes. 
'The Man from Snowy River' © Retusa Pty Ltd

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Australia 2004 : Australia Legends FDC

Australian Legends 

The 2004 Australian Legends Award honours Dame Joan Sutherland, one of the world's greatest opera singers. Known as 'La Stupenda', the Great One, Dame Joan's powerful soprano voice and presence on stage earned her many international honours throughout her career, including the rarely awarded OM (Order of Merit) in 1991. Dame Joan made her concert debut in Sydney in 1947 and at London's Covent Garden in 1952. She became an international star after performing Lucia in Lucia di Lammermoor in 1959. This exceptionally demanding role remained in her repertoire for over thirty years. Dame Joan gave her final performances in 1990. 

Stamp and cover design: Lynette Traynor, Australia Post Design Studio 
Stamps: Portrait, 1983 (photograph Patrick Jones); Dame Joan Sutherland as Lucia in Lucia di Lammermoor, 1980 (photograph Branco Gaica) 
Cover: Dame Joan Sutherland as Anna Glawari in The Merry Widow, 1978 (photograph William Moseley). Images courtesy Opera Australia 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Australia 1986 : America's Cup FDC

America's Cup Just three years ago, the Royal Perth Yacht Club made sporting history by breaking the New York Yacht Club's stranglehold on the world's most prestigious sailing event, the America's Cup. In October 1986, preliminary races will commence off Fremantle, Western Australia, to determine the challenger and defender for the first Australian defence of the Cup in 1987. 

Stamp design: Jim Passmore and Gerard Rowan, Australia 
Post Graphic Design Studio 
Cover design: Gerard Rowan, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio 
Photography: Roger Garwood, Tom Ragland 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Australia 2002 : Birth Centenary Albert Namatjira FDC


Albert Namatjira, a Western Aranda man, was the first Indigenous artist to paint and exhibit professionally in a Western style. He was born on 28 July 1902 near Ntaria (site of the Hermannsburg Mission, about 120 km from Alice Springs) and was first taught the technique of watercolour painting by visiting artist Rex Battarbee. Namatjira's first solo exhibition was held in Melbourne in 1938. Over the next ten years he had further successful exhibitions in the nation's capital cities and became a celebrity. He died on 8 August 1959 but his legacy continues today in the art of the Hermannsburg school. 2002 is the Year of the Outback. 

Ghost Gum Mt Sonder, MacDonnell Ranges c.1957 National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 

Glen Helen Country Ngurratjuta Pmara Corporation Collection Araluen Galleries, Alice Springs 

Mt Hermannsburg Cl. 950-58 Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane 

Simpsons Gap Ngurratjuta Pmara Corporation Collection Araluen Galleries, Alice Springs 

Stamp typography, minisheet and cover design: Cathleen Cram, Australia Post Design Studio 
Minisheet photograph: courtesy Advertiser Newspapers Ltd 
Cover painting: Albert Namatjira, Ghost gum, Central Australia, 
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 
All works by Albert Namatjira reproduced courtesy The Legend Press (Sydney).

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Australia 1981 : CHOGM, Melbourne 1981 FDC

Melbourne's historic Royal Exhibition Building was the venue for the 1981 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting; the largest international political gathering ever to be held in Australia. It was in this building that the Duke of York (later King George V) opened Australia's first Federal Parliament in 1901. 

Cover No. 161 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Australia 2000 : International Multi-arts Festivals FDC

Australia has five major international mufti-arts festivals which have as their basis a celebration of the arts generally. These are the Arts Festivals of Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Perth is Australia's oldest international multi-arts festival while the Adelaide Festival has developed an enviable reputation as one of the world's leading multi-arts festivals.The Sydney Festival is one of Australia's major arts festivals and the Melbourne Festival utilises a variety of non-traditional venues for its range of international and local artists and performers. The Brisbane Festival features dance, drama, contemporary and fine music.

Stamp design Wayne Rankin, Swish Group, Melbourne 
Cover design Beth McKinlay, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio 
Stamp photographs Perth: Cloudstreet, Black Swan Theatre Company (Photo: Sue Foord); Adelaide: Roses Dance Company; Sydney: Inge King's Guardian Angel & Tharp! Dance Company (Photo: Lisa Tomasetti); Melbourne: Sekarwari-Balinese Dance Society (Photo: Pancho Colladetti), Spindrift (Photo: William West); Brisbane: African Moves,Vusa Dance Company of South Africa (Photo: Rob Maccoll) 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Australia 2012 : Technology FDC

The technological revolution of the 21st century has touched the daily lives of most Australians. New communication technologies, such as the 4G mobile phone, allow us to be connected globally. The modern refrigerator is a far cry from the insulated ice chest. Today's flat-screen television sets are enormous compared to early units and increasingly transmission is digital rather than analogue. Digital audio players or MP3 players are portable, compact and have huge storage capacity. Drivers always know where they are with a GPS (global positioning system) in their car. This device uses satellites to provide information on location. 

Stamp design: Stacey Zass; 
Pack design: Sharon Rodziewicz; 
Stamp images: Wolfgang Sievers, 1963, NLA.pic-vn3311526 (phone booths, Melbourne); Reproduced with the permission of Lorelle Edwards and Penrith City Library (girls of the Penrith telephone exchange); State Library of Western Australia BA1762/387 (iceman); Courtesy Queensland Museum (ice chest); State Library of Western Australia 8292B/A/455 (houses of the 1930s); Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW and David Jones Limited (family with Sabo Electrosound and Admiral television sets); Parker Furniture (man in recliner); NAA: A1501,A658/26 (car); 
all other images Shutterstock. 

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Australia 2013 : Headline News FDC

Headline News features key events, including international events, which made the headlines in Australian newspapers over the last century. The dancing man was filmed on a street in Sydney during celebrations at the announcement of the end of World War II in August 1945. On 21 July 1969 (ASST), a human footprint was impressed for the first time on the Moon's surface, when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon. The city of Darwin was devastated early on Christmas morning 1974, when Cyclone Tracy hit land killing 65 people, injuring many more and wreaking havoc on buildings, power, water and sewerage. When Australia II, sailing under the auspices of the Royal Perth Yacht Club, was victorious in the seventh and final race in the 1983 America's Cup, it was the first successful challenge to the New York Yacht Club in 132 years — the longest winning streak in sporting history. 

Stamp and cover design: Stacey Zass, Page 12 
Stamp and minisheet images: The Dancing Man, © T3Media; Bur. Aldrin, NASA is courtesy of Buzz Aldrin; Cyclone Tracy, News Ltd; America's Cup, courtesy of America's Cup Event Authority LLC; Paper backgrounds, © Tomas Jasinskis/shutterstock; photolincishutterstock; (C!) TADDEUS/ shutterstoek 
Cover image: Stack of newspapers, © Dmytro Hurnytskiy/shutterstock 

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Australia 2009 : Corrugated Landscapes FDC

Flexible, lightweight, cheap and reusable, corrugated iron is a familiar material in the Australian landscape. A product of imperial Britain, where it was invented in 1829, corrugated iron was first shipped to Australia in the form of portable, prefabricated dwellings to house goldminers and settlers. We have come to identify it as part of our own vernacular tradition, to the extent that it was a star character in the "Tin Symphony" at the closing ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games. It features in the sheds, fences and water tanks that populate our country and suburban environments, the prefabricated huts used in wartime and recycled for migrant housing, and increasingly in sophisticated modern architecture. 

Stamp design: Andrew Hogg Design 
Stamp photographs: Chris Potter (tank), Eric Sierins (house), Jean-Marc La Roque (shed at Bushy Park Cattle Station, OLD), Anthony Browell (Glenn Murcutt's Magney House, Bingie Bingie, NSW). Corrugated strips, left to right: Lisa Christensen / Wildlight / Corbis / Shutterstock. Cover photograph: English Heritage NMR 
Cover design: Sally Piskuric, Australia Post Design Studio 

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Australia 1998 : Bicentenary of Bass & Flinders

Bicentenary of Bass & Flinders - Strait and Tasmania 

The circumnavigation of Van Diemen's Land (VDL) in 1798-99 by George Bass and Matthew Flinders proved the existence of Bass Strait and finally established that VDL (later named Tasmania) was an island. These findings had significant impact on the sailing tinMand safety of ships sailing from Europe to Australia. Following earlier exploratory work, Governor Hunter requested that Bass and Flinders establish the existence of the Strait which Hunter had already named Bass. In October 1798, Bass & Flinders left Port Jackson in the Norfolk, a 25-ton sloop built at Norfolk Island. They established the existence of the Strait and completed the circumnavigation of VDL in January 1799. The stamps feature excerpts from texts written by Bass and Flinders about their journey, Flinders' sextant and telescope and a map detailing the separation of Tasmania from the mainland. A traditional compass image is used to integrate the two stamps. 

Cover design: Sandra Harman, Australia Post Graphic Design Studio, Melbourne 
Cover image: Narrative of the expedition of the Colonial Sloop Norfolk, Image Library, State Library of New South Wales 
Stamp design: Lynda Warner, Hobart