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Thursday, October 24, 2019

What is funny that idiots do to minimize work stress

Lots or perhaps some of us are funny in real life. Humorous people are required to build work and make our daily lives happy. A successful team is a happy team under normal circumstances. If the team is made up of "bermasam muka," and frustrated leaders, you won't be motivated to work effectively.

When you entered the workplace with a stern, pessimistic, non-humorous and serious face, even the office workers will feel the strain. Everybody would feel "overwhelmed," anxious and concerned about the day. The World Health Organization describes work-related stress as a disorder that contributes to professional deterioration and depression, negativity and exhaustion.

A 2018 study by Wrike found that 94 percent of employees are experiencing job-related stress, while almost one-third believe stress rates can not be sustained at the job. It might seem odd, but making the office "glorify" and doing some "odd and dumb" stuff will improve productivity and ties.

Doing funny and dumb stuff could just be the catalyst you need to encourage your team to be the best they can be. If everyone is hard at work then everyone might be frustrated and lose motivation, imagination, and laughter. We definitely don't need a miserable community to work in our everyday lives.

To inspire creativity while retaining a lively work atmosphere, we can need to do some crazy and dumb stuff to make the workplace stand out. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Airbnb use pulse surveys to assess and evaluate their workers.

This pulse survey is not like a conventional audit of working people. The questions are quick, straightforward and concentrate mainly on promoting learning-based involvement of group members and communicating outcomes that can boost morale and benefit team members. Many of the best suggestions come from a positive mind. No need for pressure, think about the positive aspects of the job, and creative solutions really.

John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, also hires people with high emotional intelligence to work in his company. He believes that this is more than a technical skill, an essential trait of leadership skills and positions. People with high EQ know how to be serious when they need to, and know how to calm down when they need to. We track continuously, help improve the EQ and strengthen the management of the relationships.

People who are smart and good at managing emotions realize that they have high levels of stress. However, people with high EQs have the special ability to identify these emotional states and change their "mood," even when they are not stressed individuals.We have departmental counselors; make good use of their services, as that will assist everyone's personal and professional growth.

The manager will serve as a "backbone" that covers any input or opinions received from each team member. Pleasure and motivation can be found in the work of the person who loves the work. If everyone is content, he is accompanied by the majority of other team members. In every situation, the same happens. Organizations that are simple, simple and enjoyable inspire members to be the best, and the positive energy spreads.

A good team isn't a team looking for a "scapegoat" or someone to blame for negative stuff. They should enjoy the win together. Occasionally acting out in the air makes people feel comfortable, contributing to tremendous strength. If you decide to set up your team, think about it and try and find ways to make it fun and break down any stress you have.

When things get too complicated to negotiate and resolve (because they appear to), people will object and be willing to oppose them. By making things lighter and simpler, the exchange would be more efficient and effective at every point of the process.

Kredit to Azizi Ahmad

Thursday, April 18, 2019

8 Best Fishing In Selangor And Ideal For Anglers

Selangor Darul Ehsan is a state situated in the center of the Malaysian Peninsula and includes the metropolitan cities of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. No matter how strategic the state's location is, it is rich for you to visit with a variety of interesting tourist centers. The same holds true for Selangor fishing places. Selangor is a very popular fishing spot for fishermen who want to go fishing because there are some of the most popular fishing spots here. Not just that, tourists also come here because the fishing spot in Selangor has a really good beach. The beauty of this Selangor state will give you wonderful memories. You may also spend time on leisure activities.

1-Semenyih Dam

Semenyih Dam is a water catchment area for residents of Semenyih. A lot of fishing enthusiasts come and go fishing. The dam has one of the most spectacular scenery in the country and is considered to be the best fishing spot in Selangor and a fishing spot.In addition to fishing, forests serve as rainfall and waterfalls along the Semenyih Dam. The water is pumped through the water pipes to the Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.The environment here is very cosy and soothing, surrounded by lush woods and beautiful rivers that will certainly give your eyes a rest. In addition to fishing, tourists can camp and spend the night here.

2-Pantai Acheh

Not many tourists are aware of the presence of Acheh Beach, Pulau Indah, due to its remote location within Pulau Indah. Nevertheless, this location is suitable for family recreation, as there are lush beaches as well as wide open-air areas. Nowadays, Acheh Beach is very popular and is the focus of many age groups and races. Some enjoy sports such as camping, fishing, meadows, kite flying, wading and barbecue. Yeah, this is one of the best fishing spots in Selangor, too. It takes half an hour to travel to the island from the capital of Shah Alam. For the fishing rod, you'll probably miss the chance to fish and spend the night on the island!

3-Mukim Serendah

The most popular fishing spot for anglers is Serendah Mukim, a fishing spot in Selangor. There's a big, dark water mine full of Tioman fish. The fishing trip to this mine has not been disappointing because you're certainly not leaving your hands clean. They're always caught by hooks, making tourists less tired of fishing here. The area is often flooded. The tin mine authorities have also built small dams to prevent flooding. Some people think the dam was constructed to act as the main water key to the overflowing river. It managed to come across a small artificial lake at the top of a little dam named the Seven Wells. Until now, however, this place remains an opportunity for anglers to come and do their business.

4-Kelong Greenway

The Kelong Greenway near Klang Crab Island Selangor can be considered for fishermen who are still searching for a fishing spot in Selangor for fishing! Socks are always the focal point of focus. This fishing spot in Selangor is going to be full of fishing legs over the weekend. For the Kelong, a fishing boat can take a one-way trip on the island of Crab Island for a fee of RM15. Visitors can choose between regular or overnight packages. Accommodation is also offered for those who wish to stay overnight. Socks are said to be comfortable and full of simple amenities. In addition to the dining room, the living room is fitted with a kitchenette, a TV, a prayer room and a toilet. Initially, this Kelong was a fish cage until it was turned into a fishing spot. There are many varieties of fish that can be captured in the wharf, such as sharks, stingrays, crickets and red fish.

5-Jeti Memancing Wak Sempoh

The Wak Sempoh pier has long been known as the Selangor fishing rod. This Sempoh Pier is situated on the left side of the entrance to Bagan Lalang Beach, Sepang Selangor. You can visit this jetty for anglers who want to fish for grade A fish such as barbecue, fun, snack or snack with a cheap budget.Visitors only have to pay RM4 for one rod to fish at this pier. Visitors will purchase live bait and shrimp feed here as well. Along this pier there is an additional location for anglers if they want to sail aboard while fishing.Easier, this spot has incredible amenities and dining stalls. Normally anglers who don't come by empty hand fishing will certainly bring home some fish to serve as a home-cooked meal.

6-Rumah Rakit To'wan

Image from Rumah Rakit To'Wan Facebook

This To'Wan raft has three operating house modules, namely Ania Raft, Senaiin Raft and Sakit Raft. Ania Raft has been fully operational for tourists to come here. Ania Raft has been the first raft to be constructed and run to this day.The loading range is from 10 to 15 anglers per session. Ania raft is fitted with basic facilities such as a rest room, kitchen area including kitchen utensils, toilet, barbecue equipment and a clean water supply. A sun lounger is also offered for those who do not want to fish in the balcony area.The power source in this raft is using solar energy. Fishing hours are available for check-in at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. for 1 hour. Anglers should carry their own bait, as it is not included in the package size. When you're visiting Kuala Selangor, don't forget to stop at this fishing spot in Selangor.

7-Sungai Pangsun Hulu Langat

Located in Batu 22, Hulu Langat is a popular destination for families and even for picnics and camps. There are a variety of hotels that offer riverside resorts and chalets as well as fun outdoor activities. One of the most famous resorts is the Impian Rimba Resort. A lot of people come here every week, whether they're fishing or wallowing. Anglers also spend their holiday fishing time. The fish here are not as large as the sea or the lake, but they are good fish for the reason of being here. Lose the chance to visit this fishing spot in Selangor.

8-Pantai Morib

Morib beaches are a scenic and luxurious destination with a range of public facilities as well as man-made landscapes, human and natural heritage. Morib Beach is popular for visiting visitors for holidays and leisure. There will be a fishing competition every year to compete here. Of example, Selangor does not skip the fishing line. Gelama Fish is a popular catch on the beach. For family members who are on holiday, do not miss the opportunity to fish here while trying new activities other than bathing and relaxing.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Australia 2016 Owls: Guardians of the Night

Pada 5 Julai 2016, Australia Post mengeluarkan isu setem terkini, Burung Hantu: Penjaga Malam. Menampilkan ilustrasi naturalistik oleh artis liar yang berasal dari Adelaide, Christopher Pope, isu ini menggambarkan empat daripada burung-burung ini yang menakjubkan di atas setem berjumlah $ 1: Sooty Owl (Tyto tenebricosa), Rufous Owl (Ninox rufa), Owl Grass Timur (Tyto longimembris) dan South Boobook (Ninox boobook lurida). Setiap burung hantu digambarkan dalam habitat semula jadi. Terdapat sembilan spesies burung hantu yang boleh ditemui di Australia. Mereka adalah pemburu malam yang aktif, paling aktif pada waktu subuh dan senja dan mereka adalah sebahagian besarnya bersendirian atau berpasangan.

Burung hantu di bawah ancaman

Semua spesies burung hantu di Australia - sememangnya semua pemangsa - dilindungi oleh undang-undang yang telah berkuatkuasa pada tahun 1971. Tetapi ini tidak bermakna bahawa mereka wujud dalam jumlah besar. Pada peringkat kebangsaan, Boobook Pulau Norfolk dianggap "terancam" dan  Hawk-Owl Pulau Krismas  adalah "terdedah", manakala Owl Sooty, Rufous, Kuat dan Masked semua dianggap "jarang". Ancaman utama kepada populasi burung hantu ialah kehilangan habitat dan kemusnahan. Bukan sahaja menjejaskan sumber makanan tetapi juga struktur bersarang. Pengurusan tanah dan pemuliharaan kawasan hutan belukar adalah penting (seperti taman negara) untuk mengekalkan populasi dan memastikan kelangsungan hidup spesies burung hantu ini. Perundangan perlindungan memerlukan usaha pada peringkat komersial, seperti di sektor perhutanan, mengambil kira peraturan-peraturan yang melestarikan habitat, seperti hutan tua, terutamanya dalam lembangan lembap dan berhampiran sumber air, di mana spesies akan berkembang melalui pengekalan habitat yang sesuai.

Setem burung burung sebelum Australia

Sebelum isu terbaru ini, terdapat 59 setem Australia yang memaparkan burung (termasuk beberapa setem kolonial antara tahun 1888 dan 1912). Lapan daripada ini telah memaparkan (atau kadang-kadang hanya termasuk) burung hantu.

2002 Christmas Island Birds - 45c Hawk-Owl
1997 Krismas Pulau Krismas - 45c Santa dan Mainan (burung hantu sebagai sebahagian daripada reka bentuk)
1997 Makhluk Malam - 45c Barking Owl
1997 The Dreaming - 45c Dumbi the Owl
1996 Christmas Island Land Birds - 85c Hawk-Owl
1996 Nature of Australia (Definitive) - 10c Owl Powerfull

$ 1 Sooty Owl (Tyto tenebricosa)
Sooty Owl bersaiz 40-50 sentimeter, betina lebih besar daripada jantan. Mata gelapnya yang besar menonjol dari cakera wajah gelap yang tersendiri, bulu gelap di sekeliling mata dan mengerbang ke arah luar. Kaki besarnya ditutup dengan bulu pucat, dan kakinya yang kuat dengan cakar panjangnya berwarna kelabu.Burung ini sangat berahsia dan mengekalkan wilayah teritory sekitar 200-800 hektar, dan densitynya sepanjang pantai timur Australia, dari Queensland ke selatan Victoria. Habitat Sooty Owl adalah hutan tinggi termasuk di kawasan pantai. Memburu secara senyap pada altitude rendah, ia merebut mangsa dengan mudah dalam kegelapan malam.

$ 1 Rufous Owl (Ninox rufa)
The Owl Rufous, yang mempunyai tiga subspesies, besar pada 45-55 sentimeter. Ia sering memburu mangsa yang cukup besar berbanding spesies burung hantu yang lain, mangsanya termasuk Turkey Brush, Scrubfowl Orange Diamonds dan Sugar Glider, walaupun ia juga kadangkala akan menangkap spesies kumbang. Dua subspesies di timur laut Australia mempunyai wajah yang lebih gelap (terutamanya di sekitar mata) berbanding dengan Kimberley; ketiga-tiga mempunyai kawasan pucat di pangkal paruh dan di antara mata. Habitat hutan Rufous Owl adalah hutan hujan eucalyptus tinggi, hutan pinggir dan kawasan bakau. Jantan kelihatan sama, walaupun jantan kelihatan sedikit lebih besar.

$ 1 Burung Hantu Rumput Timur (Tyto longimembris)
Owl Rumput Timur mempunyai kaki panjang, bulu jarang di bahagian bawah dan badan langsing, memberikan burung hantu ini saiz 32-38 sentimeter dan ini menjadikan ianya nampak tinggi. Saiz kakinya sebenarnya adalah  15 peratus lebih panjang daripada spesies burung hantu yang lain. Ia berburu dengan terbang perlahan dan rendah di atas tanah, menerkam mangsa yang leka. Ia menduduki wilayah di utara Australia dan populasinya sebahagian besar Queensland, serta tenggara New South Wales serta timur laut dan selatan Australia. Owl Rumput Timur berbeza dari burung hantu lain di Australia. Ianya bukan hanya dilihat kerana kakinya yang panjang, tetapi juga kerana ia adalah satu-satunya penghuni tanah. Ia dengan gembira berada di kawasan tanah tinggi dan rumput tinggi serta kawasan paya dan kawasan terbuka.

$ 1 Southern Boobook (Ninox boobook lurida)
Bersaiz 25-35 sentimeter, Boobook Selatan adalah burung hantu terkecil di Australia. Ia juga merupakan salah satu populasi yang paling meluas dan banyak (bersama-sama dengan Barn Owl Timur), walaupun ia tidak sering dilihat. Boobook Selatan memakan burung-burung kecil dan mamalia, ia lebih banyak makan invertebrata daripada burung hantu lain. Spesies Lurida adalah lebih kecil dan lebih gelap daripada subspesies lain - bahagian kepala dan bahagian atasnya berwarna merah tua dan kelopak mata hanya sedikit lebih gelap. Walaupun populasinya meluas di seluruh Australia - disesuaikan dengan hutan hujan, persekitaran hutan dan padang rumput - subspesies lurida lebih suka mendiami kawasan sekitar Atherton Tablelands, di Queensland, di mana ia mendiami  kawasan hutan hujan tebal.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2018 : Basket Weaving

Di Home Island, di Kepulauan Cocos (Keeling), penduduk Melayu Cocos tempatan masih terlibat dalam tenunan keranjang tradisional, yang dikenali sebagai keroso. Ada yang berbentuk bulat, berbentuk persegi, berbentuk bot dan bakul silinder dan ianya dibuat dengan menggunakan daun palma ataupun daun kelapa. Bakul tradisional digunakan untuk penyimpanan dan mengangkut bunga, buah, umpan dan untuk mengeringkan ikan dan juga kelapa. Hari ini, ianya sering digunakan di sekeliling rumah sebagai satu bentuk penyimpanan barangan isi rumah. Sesi tenunan awam juga dijalankan sebagai sebahagian daripada lawatan budaya pulau itu.

Sebagai tambahan kepada bakul, tikar ditenun untuk pembentangan alas makanan dan bungkus tenunan kecil yang dikenal sebagai ketupat digunakan untuk memasak beras. Ketupat dibuat dengan menggunakan daun muda pokok kelapa. Hidangan nasi ketupat yang lazat, yang dibuat untuk kebanyakan pesta Melayu Cocos dengan menggunakan campuran kacang hijau dan beras kemudian dibungkus ke dalam tenunan dan memasaknya dalam santan.

siri setem ini direka oleh Sonia Young dari Australia Post Design Studio, setem menampilkan gambar cara membuat ketupat dan keroso. 

$ 1 Pek nasi tenunan, ketupat

Reka bentuk setem ini menggunakan gambar-gambar untuk menunjukkan proses membuat bungkusan beras tenun, serta produk akhir.

$ 1 Keranjang tenunan, keroso (keranjang tergantung)

Reka bentuk setem ini mempamerkan proses pembuatan bakul, serta contoh hasil akhir - keranjang gantung. Kita dapat melihat perkembangan dari daun muda segar dan  ke keranjang berwarna jerami kering.

$ 2 Bakul tenunan, keroso (bakul bulat)

Reka bentuk setem ini mempamerkan proses membuat bakul, serta contoh hasil akhir - bakul bulat.

Issue date: 26 June 2018

Saturday, March 09, 2019

Celebrating Raisha's 7th birthday

I took our girls to a place outside Selangor, in Bukit Tinggi Pahang, on a weekend getaway. In honor of Raisha's birthday we visited two locations, Rabbit Park and Horse Trails. The dreams of children riding horseback at Bukit Tinggi Horse Trails can come true (they say Pony). I don't ride a horse this time, it's just kids riding horses. You don't have to worry because the horses are trained and tame in here. Here you can see various breeds of horses like, unique horses, and even popular breeds like Quarter Horse.

Horse Trails management runs different classes for each skill level and they also host a day-long riding camp for the interested. You can choose to cross the green tropical jungle trail while riding a horse, to add to the magic of this experience. It is advisable not to get behind the horse when riding a horse because it will kick you.

The Rabbit Park is specially designed for parents with young children on holiday, Rabbit Park is a child-friendly attraction with 200 cute rabbits that will make your child laugh. Unfortunately, the number of rabbits did not reach 50, during this visit. Here visitors can play with the rabbits, and take pictures.

Once the children are satisfied with the fluffy rabbit fur, they can eat ice cream and play on the playground. There were other animals here before this visit besides rabbits, deer and donkeys. Only a group of birds and sugar gliders attended that visit.

Rania is celebrating her birthday here indirectly although March 18 will be a celebration for her.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2018 : Shadow Puppets

Terletak di Lautan Hindi 2,768 kilometer utara-barat Perth, Kepulauan Cocos (Keeling) adalah kumpulan 27 pulau di dua kepulauan yang besar. Hanya dua pulau yang diduduki secara kekal iaitu  Home Island dan West Island.

Penduduk Melayu Cocos, yang tinggal hampir secara eksklusif di Home Island , bermula pada tahun 1826. Ini adalah ketika orang Inggeris, Alexander Hare dan Scotsman John Clunies-Ross membawa pekerja-pekerja asing dari Melayu dan Indonesia serta kepulauan Afrika dan Papua untuk mendiami pulau pulau yang tidak berpenghuni. Dari generasi ke generasi, orang Melayu Cocos telah mengembangkan kebudayaan mereka sendiri yang unik dan seragam berdasarkan adat istiadat nenek moyang Melayu mereka yang digabungkan dengan aspek budaya tradisional Jawa, Islam dan beberapa amalan Eropah.

Buruh yang diangkut dari Jawa dari tahun 1860 membawa mereka tradisi kebudayaan wayang kulit, atau Shadow Puppet. Berdasarkan tradisi Hindu India, wayang kulit, bukti menunjukkan, telah diamalkan di Jawa selama berabad-abad, sekurang-kurangnya sejak abad ke-13. Kebanyakan cerita yang diceritakan melalui seni boneka bayangan yang indah ini berasal dari dua teks epik India yang utama, Ramayana dan Mahabharata, khususnya yang terakhir, yang mengandungi beratus-ratus cerita. Dalang (puppet master) akan memanipulasi boneka melalui tongkat seperti tuil, biasanya dilekatkan pada tangan boneka, dengan 'tongkat utama' memegang boneka itu di belakang layar. Bayang-bayang wayang dilemparkan ke skrin, di mana mereka memainkan adegan dari naratif.

Wayang kulit diamalkan dan dimainkan di Cocos (Keeling) sehingga dalang tempatan pertama mati iaitu Nek Ichang, pada tahun 1949. Kemahiran dalang tidak diteruskan ke generasi baru Melayu Cocos sehingga boneka wayang kulit tidak lagi berfungsi. Masih ada kaitannya dengan tradisi budaya Jawa ini, walau bagaimanapun, sebahagian  boneka ditempatkan di Museum Pulau Cocos.

Boneka-boneka yang dipaparkan di dalam setem merupakan sebahagian daripada koleksi Muzium Pulau Cocos (dibuka 1987), di mana ianya telah dipulihkan. Boneka-boneka yang mempunyai jumlah yang signifikan, dibuat dari kulit kerbau keras yang dicat. Seperti semua wayang kulit bayangan, mereka adalah gambaran yang jelas mengenai bentuk manusia, dengan ungkapan dan ciri-ciri yang tertentu.

Issue date: 16 October 2018

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New student enrollment; Standard One, Alyxia Raisha

Raisha's registration / school enrollment is no problem, as she has been in kindergarten pre-KEMAS for two years. Even two years in the kindergarten of KEMAS, perhaps the first year in the kindergarten of KEMAS, could tell with a finger how many days she had entered the classroom. She always sleeps in the classroom, even though you go inside. Alyxia Raisha has a bit of an eating problem.

She didn't eat the food in the school, Her teacher had to provide the other students with different foods. She enjoys eating coco crunch, chocolate bar, beef, french fries, nugget and western all look alike. Things I haven't denied might be my way of education. It's like she has no problem with Malay food like rice, fish and vegetables when she's 2 years old. There was a time when Raisha loved eating cooked mushrooms in an oyster sauce, our hearts were very happy as parents. Then I'd cook mushrooms for her each day. Until she rejects it because she is bored with the menus.

Now Raisha has some rice to it. She loves eating spicy fried rice, white rice, with beef or omelet soy sauce.