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Thursday, October 24, 2019

What is funny that idiots do to minimize work stress

Lots or perhaps some of us are funny in real life. Humorous people are required to build work and make our daily lives happy. A successful team is a happy team under normal circumstances. If the team is made up of "bermasam muka," and frustrated leaders, you won't be motivated to work effectively.

When you entered the workplace with a stern, pessimistic, non-humorous and serious face, even the office workers will feel the strain. Everybody would feel "overwhelmed," anxious and concerned about the day. The World Health Organization describes work-related stress as a disorder that contributes to professional deterioration and depression, negativity and exhaustion.

A 2018 study by Wrike found that 94 percent of employees are experiencing job-related stress, while almost one-third believe stress rates can not be sustained at the job. It might seem odd, but making the office "glorify" and doing some "odd and dumb" stuff will improve productivity and ties.

Doing funny and dumb stuff could just be the catalyst you need to encourage your team to be the best they can be. If everyone is hard at work then everyone might be frustrated and lose motivation, imagination, and laughter. We definitely don't need a miserable community to work in our everyday lives.

To inspire creativity while retaining a lively work atmosphere, we can need to do some crazy and dumb stuff to make the workplace stand out. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Airbnb use pulse surveys to assess and evaluate their workers.

This pulse survey is not like a conventional audit of working people. The questions are quick, straightforward and concentrate mainly on promoting learning-based involvement of group members and communicating outcomes that can boost morale and benefit team members. Many of the best suggestions come from a positive mind. No need for pressure, think about the positive aspects of the job, and creative solutions really.

John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, also hires people with high emotional intelligence to work in his company. He believes that this is more than a technical skill, an essential trait of leadership skills and positions. People with high EQ know how to be serious when they need to, and know how to calm down when they need to. We track continuously, help improve the EQ and strengthen the management of the relationships.

People who are smart and good at managing emotions realize that they have high levels of stress. However, people with high EQs have the special ability to identify these emotional states and change their "mood," even when they are not stressed individuals.We have departmental counselors; make good use of their services, as that will assist everyone's personal and professional growth.

The manager will serve as a "backbone" that covers any input or opinions received from each team member. Pleasure and motivation can be found in the work of the person who loves the work. If everyone is content, he is accompanied by the majority of other team members. In every situation, the same happens. Organizations that are simple, simple and enjoyable inspire members to be the best, and the positive energy spreads.

A good team isn't a team looking for a "scapegoat" or someone to blame for negative stuff. They should enjoy the win together. Occasionally acting out in the air makes people feel comfortable, contributing to tremendous strength. If you decide to set up your team, think about it and try and find ways to make it fun and break down any stress you have.

When things get too complicated to negotiate and resolve (because they appear to), people will object and be willing to oppose them. By making things lighter and simpler, the exchange would be more efficient and effective at every point of the process.

Kredit to Azizi Ahmad