Suni Have a good time reading my blog. Maybe you're lost, or maybe you're looking for something. This blog is simply a typical blog post written by a less active blogger. Let us hope that what is stated and seen here does not cause harm to anyone. Writing here isn't about sharing personal information; rather, it's a brief picture of my family's informal diary. Please forgive me for being false and incorrect. Without explicit permission, phishing or using photos from this blog is banned. The Copyright Act of 1987 governs all rights to text and photos. This is a personal blog about my own experiences and expression. If you don't want to see or read my article, you might want to stop reading my site. The good comes from Allah the Almighty, and the negative comes from you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Moratorium pinjaman

Dengan perintah kawalan pergerakan yang lebih panjang, pengumuman Bank Negara mengenai moratorium pembayaran balik pinjaman pastinya merupakan satu langkah yang amat dialu-alukan untuk meringankan beban kewangan rakyat, perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) dan korporat yang terjejas oleh wabak Covid-19. Bagi individu dan PKS, penangguhan dalam kewajipan pembayaran balik (kecuali kad kredit) secara automatik digunakan oleh bank. Sementara itu, peminjam korporat boleh meminta moratorium pembayaran balik pinjaman dari bank masing-masing.

Faedah akan terus kekal atas pembayaran balik pinjaman yang ditangguhkan. Bayaran balik pinjaman akan disambung semula selepas tempoh moratorium. Moratorium automatik  selama 6 bulan ke atas semua pembayaran pinjaman / pembiayaan (kecuali untuk kad kredit), bank akan terus kekal bunga atas pinjaman tersebut dalam buku lejer mereka walaupun mereka tidak akan menerima pembayaran dari pelanggan. Penangguhan pinjaman akan memberi kesan kepada aliran tunai bank kerana pembayaran dari pelanggan mereka tidak akan berlaku sehingga enam bulan kemudian.

Oleh kerana faedah terus kekal pada pembayaran pinjaman yang ditangguhkan, cukai pendapatan perlu diambilkira untuk pendapatan faedah walaupun pendapatan faedah tidak diterima dalam tempoh ini.Penangguhan pembayaran pinjaman dan penstrukturan semula pinjaman juga berpotensi membawa kepada peningkatan dalam penurunan nilai lejer bank yang tidak dipotong pajak sepenuhnya kepada bank.Ini bermakna bank-bank akan dikenakan cukai walaupun pendapatan faedah belum diterima dan apa-apa kerosotan yang dibuat ke atas pinjaman tidak boleh diberi potongan cukai penuh.

Untuk memastikan kestabilan berterusan sistem kewangan dan kecairan bank sokongan, ia hanya adil kepada bank jika kerajaan juga mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah cukai tertentu untuk meringankan beban institusi kewangan. Langkah-langkah cukai yang boleh dipertimbangkan ialah:
  1. Menangguhkan kebolehgunaan pendapatan faedah bagi moratorium yang diberikan sehingga faedah diterima; dan
  2. Membenarkan potongan penuh terhadap kemerosotan bank.
Penangguhan kena cukai faedah bukan insentif baru. Semasa krisis kewangan tahun 2009, bank-bank telah digalakkan untuk menangguhkan penerimaan pembayaran daripada pelanggan dan kerajaan juga memberi kelonggaran kepada bank dengan membolehkan bank-bank untuk melambatkan pembayaran cukai pendapatan ke atas pendapatan faedah tertunda sehingga penerimaan.

Institusi kewangan sentiasa memainkan peranan penting dalam memudahkan transformasi ekonomi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia. Semasa masa sukar seperti ini, bank-bank telah mengangkat tangan mereka untuk menyokong rakyat dan perniagaan serta bekerjasama dengan kerajaan dalam inisiatif mereka. Sebagai sebahagian daripada dasar ekonomi yang inklusif, kerajaan harus mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah di atas untuk membantu cuaca bank melalui ribut Covid-19 ini. Mungkin salah satu sebab Menteri Kewangan kita adalah mantan kepada bank tempatan, maka dia sangat memahami dan langkah yang dilakukan ini boleh dilakukan dan bukan teori semata-mata.

Debt Moratorium=A debt moratorium is a delay in the payment of debts or obligations. The term is generally used to refer to acts by national governments.(wikipedia)

Beberapa bank telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka tidak akan compoundingkan interest untuk pelanggannya semasa tempoh moratorium enam bulan yang diumumkan baru-baru ini oleh Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).Kumpulan Bank RHB, PUBLIC BANK BHD, MALAYAN BANKING BHD (Maybank), CIMB Bank Bhd, OCBC Bank (M) Bhd, HSBC Malaysia, Kumpulan AmBank, Affin Bank Bhd, United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd dan Citi Malaysia adalah antara bank yang telah mengumumkan faedah atau keuntungan bukan kompaun semasa tempoh moratorium untuk pelanggan runcit dan PKS.

Kumpulan Perbankan RHB adalah bank tempatan pertama yang mengumumkan tawarannya. Bank itu mengumumkan bahawa ia tidak akan menjadi kompaun semasa penangguhan pembayaran balik enam bulan bagi kemudahan perbankan.Walau bagaimanapun, ini akan terpakai kepada pelanggan runcit dan PKS sahaja dan akan berkuatkuasa mulai 1 April, 2020. Bagi pembiayaan Islam, RHB akan terus mematuhi prinsip tanpa pengkompaunan keuntungan.RHB berkata Moratorium akan dikenakan secara automatik kepada semua pelanggan RHB Bank dan RHB Islamic Retail dan SME, kecuali kemudahan pinjaman / pembiayaan yang tertunggak melebihi 90 hari pada 1 April.Untuk kemudahan kad kredit, RHB berkata pelanggan boleh memohon untuk menukar baki tertunggak kepada pinjaman berjangka selama 3 tahun dengan kadar faedah yang dikurangkan.

Maybank juga mengumumkan bahawa ia tidak akan compaundingkan interest untuk semua kemudahan pinjaman individu, PKS dan bukan runcit / korporat yang layak untuk tempoh moratorium selama 6 bulan.Maybank berkata produk yang layak di bawah skim automatik untuk pelanggan runcit dan PKS termasuk pinjaman peribadi, gadai janji, ASB, pendidikan dan PKS. Pinjaman sewa beli kadar tetap sudah tidak mempunyai faedah kompaun.Semua pelanggan runcit dan PKS tidak perlu memohon moratorium kerana ia akan secara automatik digunakan untuk semua pinjaman dan pembiayaan yang layak.Bagi Maybank semua kemudahan pembiayaan Islam di bawah kumpulan, kadar keuntungan belum dikompaun selaras dengan prinsip Syariah. 

Public Bank menyediakan moratorium selama enam bulan untuk bayaran ansuran bulanan untuk semua pelanggan individu dan perniagaan yang layak, tanpa faedah kompaun semasa tempoh penangguhan ini dari 1 April hingga 30 September. Untuk pembiayaan Islam, keuntungan akan terus kekal pada jumlah prinsipal yang belum dijelaskan. Keuntungan sedemikian tidak akan dikompaun juga, selaras dengan prinsip Syariah.

Sementara itu, CIMB Bank Bhd dan CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd mengumumkan bahawa semua pelanggan individu dan PKS akan secara automatik mendaftar untuk penangguhan pembayaran balik pinjaman / pembiayaan untuk tempoh enam bulan dari 1 April hingga 30 September.Moratorium ini boleh digunakan untuk semua pinjaman / pembiayaan denominasi Ringgit Malaysia yang dipegang oleh pelanggan yang layak yang belum tunggakan selama lebih dari 90 hari pada 1 April.Bagi pelanggan individu, produk Islam dan konvensional yang memenuhi syarat di bawah moratorium ini termasuk pembiayaan ASB, pembiayaan rumah, pembiayaan auto dan pembiayaan peribadi (wang tunai ekspres, tunai serta pinjaman dan Awam-i) dan untuk pelanggan PKS, larangan ini terpakai kepada semua pinjaman / pembiayaan dan pembelian sewa perindustrian.CIMB berkata faedah / keuntungan akan terus kekal pada pembayaran balik pinjaman / pembiayaan yang ditangguhkan, dan pelanggan perlu menghormati pembayaran balik yang ditangguhkan pada masa hadapan.Ia menambah bahawa faedah pinjaman konvensional tidak akan dikompaun semasa tempoh moratorium.Bank itu berkata untuk pembiayaan Islam, keuntungan akan terus kekal dalam tempoh moratorium. Keuntungan tidak akan dikompaun selaras dengan prinsip Syariah. Pembayaran balik pinjaman / pembiayaan semula selepas moratorium.

HSBC Malaysia berkata kedua-dua HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd dan HSBC Amanah Malaysia Bhd menawarkan moratorium automatik untuk pelanggan individu dan PKS HSBC Malaysia, manakala pelanggan korporat boleh memilih untuk ikut serta.

OCBC Bank (M) Bhd dan anak syarikatnya OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad tidak akan memupuk faedah dan keuntungan masing-masing untuk gadai janji dan pinjaman / pembiayaan PKS dalam tempoh moratorium selama 6 bulan.Ini akan diguna pakai untuk kedua-dua pelanggan gadai janji dan PKS.

AmBank dan AmBank Islamic akan menawarkan penangguhan pembayaran automatik bagi pinjaman dan pembiayaan untuk semua individu dan pelanggan PKS.AmBank berkata tawaran itu adalah untuk tempoh enam bulan dari 1 April. Pelanggan yang ingin menarik diri daripada penangguhan pembayaran automatik hanya boleh meneruskan pembayaran ansuran bulanan mereka secara tetap.

**maklumat banyak di peroleh daripada the star online

2 years, 1 month and 3 days

March 10,2016

If I could write a novel of a kind, caring father with a golden heart, it would be the greatest I have ever told. I could write a million words, but I can't say how much I love and miss him every day. I'll recall what he'd taught me. I'm hurt, but I won't be sad, because he'll give me the answers and he'll always be my father in my heart forever.

Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rojiun
Semoga Allah ampunkan segala dosa arwah,
Semoga Allah terima segala amalan beliau dan mengangkat darjatnya disisi Allah,
Semoga pemergian beliau menjadi kerehatan sebenar dari urusan dunia,
Semoga dilindungi dari seksa kubur dan semoga roh arwah ditempatkan dikalangan para solihin,
Allahumma Solli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad.
Amiin Amiin Amiin.

Allahyarham (الله يرحم) Mohamad Ramly Tahar 
2 years, 1 month and 3 days
28 February 2018

Monday, March 30, 2020

Impak ekonomi daripada kesan COVID-19

Kini, jelas bahawa pandemik ini akan memberi kesan yang sangat merosakkan pada makroekonomi Malaysia serta kebajikan ekonomi rakyat. Sumber utama kerosakan ekonomi di Malaysia adalah dari dua sumber: yang pertama adalah knock-on effect dari kesan coronavirus di luar negara, yang kedua generated domestically dalam negeri yang disebabkan oleh langkah-langkah kawalan pergerakan baru yang dikenakan. 

Pertama, sebelum langkah-langkah penguncupan separa dijalankan di Malaysia, wabak coronavirus baru di China telah mencipta kejutan bekalan dan permintaan yang meluas di seluruh dunia. Pengeksport komoditi di seluruh dunia menembusi harga yang lebih rendah memandangkan permintaan menurun, sementara pengeluar global menghadapi pengurangan pengeluaran apabila kilang-kilang China di kurangkan production. Di Malaysia, kesan dari kejutan yang berlaku di China ini mungkin mengerikan. Ekonomi Malaysia adalah antara ekonomi paling terdedah di rantau ini kepada permintaan dan penawaran China. China adalah rakan dagang nombor satu Malaysia, sumber pelaburan asing yang besar, dan sumber pelancongan utamanya di luar ASEAN. Di samping itu, sepanjang dekad yang lalu, firma-firma Malaysia telah menjadi antara yang paling terintegrasi dalam rangkaian pengeluaran global. Ini diburukkan lagi dengan hakikat bahawa rantaian bekalan serantau menjadi semakin lebih kepada China-centric. Sesungguhnya, lebih daripada satu perempat daripada perdagangan Malaysia-China (kira-kira AS $ 20 bilion pada tahun 2018) terdiri daripada komponen perantaraan- ianya betul-betul jenis produk yang paling terjejas apabila rantaian bekalan global terganggu. 

Kedua, langkah-langkah Movement Control Order (MCO), sementara hanya absolutely essential sahaja yang terus bertugas untuk menghalang wabak coronavirus di Malaysia, ianya sedikit sebanyak menambah kos ekonomi juga. Di peringkat makro, penutupan perniagaan dan perkhidmatan bersama-sama dengan kawalan perjalanan dan pergerakan akan memberi outsized impacts kepada swasta dan pelaburan perniagaan. Kesan buruknya terhadap kehidupan dan perniagaan individu akan menjadi lebih merosakkan. Individu dan perniagaan yang terjejas oleh penutupan sementara akan berisiko tinggi menghadapi kekangan aliran tunai serta-merta apabila pendapatan mereka berkurang. Secara kritikal, pergerakan mudah tunai ini akan dirasakan secara tidak seimbang oleh perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) dan kumpulan yang paling terdedah adalah seperti individu yang berpendapatan rendah serta pekerja sambilan. Ini boleh memberi kesan knock-on effects kepada seluruh perniagaan ,individu menjadi bankrap dan sistem kewangan yang dibebani dengan pinjaman tidak berbayar. Moratorium yang diperkenalkan oleh Bank -bank tempatan sedikit sebanyak mengurangkan beban peminjam dan sekaligus lebihan wang itu boleh digunakan untuk aliran tunai dalam negara. Kesan aliran tunai ini tidak banyak tetapi ada.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Movement Control Order

I want to confess I haven't had my camera for long time. It has been four years. One of the things I did to fulfill my curiosity in taking photos (feeling guilty) was to gift our first daughter a polaroid camera (Fujifilm instax mini 9) on her 8th birthday on March 7, 2020. Our first daughter was excited and in less than a hour, she finished a film roll. Luckily we bought her quite a box of polaroid films.

Our daughter should use it in my plans when we go on holiday but that is not necessary because of the government's new Movement Control Order declared (18-31 March 2020). We couldn't go out, even though the school holidays had started. Which can distressed our daughter at first. But, when our second daughter celebrated her birthday on 18 March 2020, our grief started again. I only bought two pieces as a birthday present. The actual gift will be followed after this Movement Control Order ends.

Know it, my children. We love you as parents, and will do the best for both of you. We tried to make you happy from the moment you were born. We don't discern our love for you. You two are Allah Almighty's Greatest gifts, Alyxia Raisha and Axalea Rania.

Fotografi memupuk sikap Positif

1. Meditation–Mediating is one of the strongest ways we can do to take our minds off negative feelings. For most people, though, it's not that easy to take the time or train the mind on any amount of time. Photography has a meditative element built in to it. You're hunting for the next perfect picture because you're anything but a pro photographer.Asking yourself while searching for the right path, reflecting on your feelings and what you need to do next. You do meditate inofficially.

2. Nature–There is a great deal of value of moving to a better outlook of getting out in environment. The light has health benefits (if achieved in moderation) and some people believe mother earth touching also has health benefits. Good mind comes with that.

3. Smelling the Flowers – Most people never slow down enough their days to sit to "smell the roses" As part of photography we still try and admire the things other people can not see. My family still looks at my photographs and asks where I took a shot, even though they were right next to me when I took it because they didn't see the part of what we all looked at. Helps one to keep a good outlook by appreciating the small things. 

4. Whole brain balance – This one may seem odd because there are very few things in the universe this actually use the whole brain. Photography includes imaginative (right brain) as well as technical / logical (left brain) approach. Using the whole brain allows us to gain better control over our emotions and feelings. 

5. Joy and passion – No people move into photography because they enjoy it. This is not charged time for doing so. Those of us who do so, whether as a hobby or as a career, also have a great chance to do something about which we are genuinely passionate. This alone has a huge effect on our attitude and optimistic performance. 

Five Essential Tips of Nature Photography

Here are five tips for helping you step up the challenge.

Tip #1. Emphasis on Nature, Not Technology Just. There's a growing focus on the latest technologies in the modern age; so much so that some people prefer to rely on the camera (and computer) to do the job for them. Although it is understandable that the love of technology attracts people to photography, good nature photography still takes a more old-fashioned approach. It is of utmost importance to consider the light. You just need to know how to catch your picture in the best possible light, which involves selecting the perfect weather conditions for each subject, and the right time of day. Spending time watching the light and how it works in a shot would make you a much better photographer than anyone who feels that science is the secret to good photography.

Tip #2. Look for Moments Only. Never forget that someone else has already had every idea you've had, and a thousand people have shot every subject you shot before you. The fact is, a good picture is easy to take; this is why so many of them are on the market. The challenge is to find out something amazing. All this is about pacing. You have to aim for an odd perspective or a stunning view of the landscapes.

Tip #3. Get to learn the immediate environment. Capturing a memorable moment when you're traveling takes a touch of luck. You just have to take your chances along with the rest of the visitors in terms of the unpredictable conditions. Nonetheless, closer to a home you have an unfair edge over all others. You can be in a rare place where many photographers can only dream of being on-site at special moments. Take a look at the local landmarks. Consider the safest lookouts to get there and the easiest shortcuts. Identify the most suitable time of day for each venue. Then listen to updates on temperature, and keep an eye on the sky. If you see anything extraordinary starting to form (a dark storm cloud, probably the possibility of a rainbow, etc.), take your phone, get into position, and wait before your moment comes. In time, you may be able to create a second to none series of images of your local landscapes.

Tip #4. Be patient and stay calm. As I said earlier, taking a decent picture is easy; capturing anything really special is not so easy. A lot of things have to fall into place to get a perfect shot, so don't be disappointed when your first attempts yield little result. You may need to regularly visit the same location before you discover the stroke of luck that produces your perfect picture opportunity. Professional nature photographers are able to put a shot into this extra effort. When you have that picture once in a lifetime it will all be worth it. Only take a lot of photos when the time comes. You just need a perfect chance to make the best of it, because any scene will create a multitude of potential images. Know that holding snapping costs little in the modern world, and you can afford to do exactly that right now.

Tip #5. Your Technique Fine. You can wait days or weeks for a perfect picture opportunity but it can come and go in a matter of minutes when the time comes. Trying to figure out the apertures and shutter speeds you don't want to lose time. At any chance, learn your skills, and really get to know your camera. You don't need to learn a single minuscule menu feature. Effective photography's basics are the same as ever; aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focus, etc. The more work you bring in, the faster it gets and the more instinctive it becomes. You will then channel your effort into imagination instead of fumbling with camera settings until your perfect moment comes.


Consider accountants all day at their desks just crunching numbers? Instead, you didn't touch the forensic accounting culture. Forensic accountants serve as financial investigators, reviewing suspicious financial records, detecting fraud and helping in prosecuting civil and criminal cases. Here's what Forensic Accountants get to do every day is assist with risk assessment and risk mitigation by budget policies and procedures. They also investigate proposed acquisitions and mergers but need to engage in bankruptcy proceedings in some cases. Apart from this, they need to uncover criminal activities such as fraud, misappropriation, money laundering, and debt concealment. 

As a professional in forensic accounting, you have the opportunity to play a number of positions. Understanding the particular work you want will help you get ahead and encourage you to specialize in the area that interests you most. You would be trained as a forensic accountant for positions such as Forensic Accountant, Fraud Examiner, Internal Auditor and Fraud, and Forensic Accounting Consultant. To define a high-quality forensic accounting program, you can study the accreditation status, coursework, faculty and teaching practices needed by an institution to ensure they are up-to-date with real-world job requirements. Also, if you intend to become a licensed accountant, you should ensure that the program you are pursuing meets the prerequisites for the CPA exam in your state. 

You may pursue a career in financial fraud prevention with two main licenses or certifications: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). While not all accountants are CPAs, for most companies it is the gold standard in accounting designations, and a work necessity. To become a CPA, you have to meet clear criteria in terms of schooling, review, and experience. The first move is to meet your state's educational requirements. You will then sit in for the CPA exam. Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Another path that can be taken either as a single certification or in combination with a CPA is CFE. A CFE demonstrates proven expertise in preventing, detecting and deterring fraud. CFEs are skilled in understanding complex financial transactions, identifying warning signs that signify the possibility of fraud or fraud and knowing the methods to address allegations of fraud. 

Forensic accountants work in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Some of the most prominent forensic accountant’s employers are government departments such as Malaysia Special Branch, Defense Staff Intelligence Division, Kor Risk DiRaja, PMO Research Division and Chief Government Security Office (CGSO), as well as state and local government. Other businesses, such as law firms and accounting firms, connected to the trial. Financial-related sectors such as banking, brokering, insurance and other financial services. A supervisory body such as corporate security and risk management firms as well as some financial advisory firms. Forensic accounting and expertise in business intelligence have also become necessary elements of any successful investigation into alleged fraud or other malfunctions. The value of the second of these disciplines is often overlooked in the public eye and the potency of combining the two is not well known.

Forensic Accounting Professional isn't a simple job, according to the details mentioned in the previous article. The case needs full scrutiny and not just the sixth sense. All things/numbers/words/sentences are not simply assumptions, but measurable. This sector of work requires a strict qualification and the time-sacrifice needed to achieve the correct certification. To solve the case, the commitment of time and effort is required, and case studies involve fieldwork outside the normal daily work hours. Forensic accountants feel overwhelmed by the vast quantity of data that can be linked to manual data analysis. The lack of data sources and the cooperation of the parties has led to the increased stress level of the Forensic Accountants. Specific strategies and methods are required for the appropriate knowledge about the case, such as communication skills, negotiating skills and even a bit of manipulation skills on the positive side. Physical matters for Forensic Accountants can get tired as they travel for training on an ongoing basis. Completing everyday work requires basically continuous computer work. This includes some bending, pulling, moving, stooping, and transport. This role is associated with a variety of deadlines that can trigger significant stress for emotional purposes. The job also has to work with a wide variety of people on a variety of issues. Stressful situations may arise while performing daily tasks and complying with deadlines.

-Legal Aspect of Forensic Accounting

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 : Design and features

Image result for instax mini 9
Image from

Instax cameras have been a safe starting point for those involved in instant photography for the better part of thirty years, and the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 could be the most user-friendly one yet. Fuji's entry-level camera is inexpensive, user-friendly and does not overpower features or accessories.It's more about actually capturing the moment and producing lo-fi visuals that can appeal for those new to the art as well as others who know exactly what they're doing.

The camera retails for a relatively inexpensive RM300++, and contains a ten-photo set of Instax Mini videos to get you started. Instax film is now so commonplace that even competing firms use it, making it more accessible (and easier to buy) than the Polaroid Originals alternatives.It could be made of plastic and the chunky, bubble-like styling makes it look like a little doll, but the Mini 9 doesn't feel small. Pack a package of movies and it also has a high comforting quality.

The bulbous grip makes it easy to bear and fire one-handed and the optional hand harness prevents any slips or drops. Interestingly, the lens barrel features a selfie mirror, rendering self-portraits a bit less hit-and-miss than the outgoing Instax Mini 8.There are deceptively little buttons on the bottom of the camera without even a tripod cable, but the Mini 9 is cleverer than it would seem. Push the lens barrel button and the lens immediately extends, turns the shutter on and pre-warms the spotlight.

The amount of light available is indicated on the frame by a Lead and you simply adjust the lens to match the vision as best as possible. Lining up shots can be a bit difficult because of the tiny viewfinder.It has a central guide spot, although this does not account for the parallax effect, which may result in some off-center shots. It's something you'll quickly adapt to after the first few videos, but something to hold in mind.

The only other button is the shutter: line up the clip, press it, and the top of the camera is pushed out of the frame. The video tray is held in place with a sturdy clip, and an indicator at the rear indicates how many shots are left in the current package, so you don't accidentally remove the tray and wreck the reel.With its box, Fuji is gracious offering a ten-pack film and two AA batteries in the case, as well as the close-up lens adapter at the end of the lens barrel. Which is all you need to click on to continue.

I'd like to recommend you a camera shop that sells instax mini 9 at a reasonable price. The store is located in Shah Alam

FujiFilm Plaza Massalam
Ground Floor, Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam, Malaysia

The Death of DSLRs is Near

DSLRs were launched two decades ago to replace cinematographic cameras. With just a few megapixels, very poor battery life and a low output overall, it was only reasonable that at first, most photographers were very doubtful. It took a few years to completely embrace digital cameras, and analog imaging was left to the enthusiasts rather than to the professionals. We have already seen a sharp change in the standing of the DSLRs in recent years. Mirrorless cameras and smartphones are increasingly popular with the average user. But there are more and more alternatives to old-school DSLRs also for experienced photographers.

Mirrorless Cameras are the Future

I agree that since they were first launched, mirrorless cameras encountered the same dilemma as DSLR's. At first, the new system was not very well known and suffered from some early drawbacks. The electronic viewfinder was a breakthrough but one that was very premature. The updated viewfinder offered merely advantages and innovative technologies in principle. There are various possibilities with overlays, such as maps, histograms or peaking emphasis. Yet online audiences weren't sticking to their commitments. It felt laggy, especially when moving the camera very quickly, the resolution wasn't perfect and the EVF has obvious drawbacks for the traditional optical viewfinder in this sense. However, the EVF's shortcomings were effectively extinguished easily into today. There is no noticeable lag and thanks to the development of CPUs, and the framerate remains constant while the camera is going quickly.

In addition to the EVF's obvious advantages, mirrorless cameras deliver other benefits as well.

Whereas high-end DSLRs can only take up to 14 pictures per second (or 16fps with mirror lockup) in burst mode, mirrorless cameras can now get up to 20 images per second. Owing to the mirror's physical limits, DSLRs can never progress in this region to the level of becoming mirrorless.

The mirrorless cameras are also designed to make them more lightweight and lighter.

It is quite clear that in almost every way, mirrorless cameras already beat DSLRs, and with the strong developments being put into mirrorless optics, they will only be going ahead faster. There were no clear options at the beginning stages of DSLRs, just decisions to use "old" analog cameras or modern DSLRs. Either or not you decided to make the transition to digital was a personal decision because there just weren't any options. The typical user did not have to purchase a DSLR until after digital compact cameras were released as a lightweight and inexpensive alternative to DSLRs. Yet a deliberate decision was also made by the compact camera, and consumers were still torn between purchasing a compact camera or a DSLR. It's new today, with the introduction of smartphones and their very high-quality sensors. While people who wanted to take a photograph needed an extra tool, they could just use the camera with them anyway and get good photographs. Some consumers would probably never understand why their mobile picture could be better than a DSLR. Spending money on a DSLR rarely crosses their minds because the camera they have in their hand already does a decent job.

DSLRs a Dying Tradition

It's no doubt, for me, that DSLRs will become redundant in the coming years. They are often useful in very narrow niches in the status quo, such as sports photography or even photojournalism. Rather than that, nearly any feature of mirrorless systems is much superior. It would only take some time for the public opinion to change and for DSLRs to go away for good. And unlike analog photography, it's very doubtful that in the future DSLRs will have a nostalgic appeal because other digital cameras will also be available, so all in all, they'll be very close. For a street photographer, having a DSLR being used is still very rare and it's only a matter of time before both photographers finally make the transition.

If you're trying to buy a new camera, save yourself the hassle and automatically look for the perfect, mirrorless camera.

EVF=An electronic viewfinder (EVF) is a camera viewfinder where the image captured by the lens is projected electronically onto a miniature display. The image on this display is used to assist in aiming the camera at the scene to be photographed.

Usage of Digital SLR still applicable to the field of photography?

More camera choices are available today than ever before, suggesting a lot of compelling reasons that even professional photographers would find lightweight mirrorless and point-and-shoot cameras. Yet the DSLR is still the King of the Hill in many respects.Here's why you should first consider the DSLR while buying a new model, and other explanations why you may want to shop somewhere else.

DSLRs provide that if you want to control.

Do you want to use manual controls for exposure? This possibility is offered by some compact cameras not all DSLRs do. The DSLR is a reliable choice for photographers who want to change ISO, shutter speed and aperture manually. It offers the photographer complete artistic power over such issues as motion blur, sharpness, and field depth.But... that absolute control with other advantages can be found on smaller cameras, so it alone is not enough justification why you would pick a DSLR. Absolute control back in the days of filming required an SLR. This will not happen today.

Infinite options for the lenses and accessories.

When you purchase a DSLR, you buy into a program that contains tens of hundreds of adapters and lens options. If you want to use a cable release for long exposures, or if you want to add a light, or you want to turn to a super-telephoto lens to film your kid playing football on the field, DSLRs offer the most versatile accessories and lenses of any form of camera. There are not only a number of choices for lenses but there are also more high-quality, fast and advanced lenses available.

Full-frame sensors.

If you want to enjoy the advantages of a full-frame sensor— good quality, high resolution, low noise, naturally shallower field depth— you are more than likely to continue your shopping trip in mind with DSLRs. Yes, you can get smaller DSLR sensors, and you can see certain compact cameras with full-frame sensors, but most of these big, quality sensors are used in DSLRs. But... if issues like the small size and lightweight are an immense concern, you would want to aim for a lightweight mirrorless camera with a full-frame sensor! They are out there and every day they get more famous.

The roughest and longest-serving cameras.

When you shoot in difficult environments, such as rain and snow, or sandy or rocky areas, then the higher-end DSLR will be the first preference. These cameras are designed for professionals, and they are more likely to withstand weather and water and dust than other consumer cameras do. Sure, in a safe situation, you could do better with a compact camera, yet there's a reason why the pros stick to pro DSLRs: they're designed to last. Try a high-end DSLR if you are especially rough on your cameras and are using them in temperature fluctuations or dusty, muddy, sandy environments. Such specialized devices are also designed using longer-lasting materials and weatherproof seals to prevent soil and moisture from infiltrating delicate electronics inside. Unfortunately, all of the defense practically comes at a high expense.

DSLRs the downside.

To others, DSLRs may be a wonderful option but they aren't flawless. They're, first, bigger than digital cameras. That's no big deal for some folks, but it's a dealbreaker for some. For starters, if you're hiking in the outback, every ounce counts and a big, cumbersome camera device might deter you from completing a journey. And if you have no issue with the convenience of a DSLR, often the system sophistication is. For eg, if you want a wide zoom range, you may need to bring several lenses whereas a single zoom lens installed into a compact camera can cover the same focal range. You can have the most choices for lenses with DSLRs if you want interchangeable lenses, but there are other camera models that do have choices for the lens. That was not the case in the old days, but today there are plenty of compact cameras forgoing the SLR mirror in favor of an optical viewfinder and providing a growing variety of interchangeable lenses. Finally, DSLRs— especially the professional models — can be very costly. If you are on a budget, there are definitely more inexpensive DSLR models, but there are plenty of lightweight point-and-shoot cameras to choose from far below average DSLR prices at cost.

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