Suni Have a good time reading my blog. Maybe you're lost, or maybe you're looking for something. This blog is simply a typical blog post written by a less active blogger. Let us hope that what is stated and seen here does not cause harm to anyone. Writing here isn't about sharing personal information; rather, it's a brief picture of my family's informal diary. Please forgive me for being false and incorrect. Without explicit permission, phishing or using photos from this blog is banned. The Copyright Act of 1987 governs all rights to text and photos. This is a personal blog about my own experiences and expression. If you don't want to see or read my article, you might want to stop reading my site. The good comes from Allah the Almighty, and the negative comes from you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Merakam gambar candid

Antara tips untuk merakam gambar candid

  1. Bawa kamera kemana sahaja
  2. Gunakan Lens yang panjang (long zoom, 70-250mm)-Ini penting untuk anda merakam tanpa mengganggu personal space subject (subject tak akan perasan), Salah satu cara lagi gunakan saja telephoto...snap dan buat tidak tahu selepas itu.
  3. Matikan flash- Jangan gunakan langsung flash, ini kerana pancaran flash akan mengganggu subject dan secara tidak langsung menarik perhatian ramai.kata candid...
  4. Rakam sesuatu subjek dengan banyak (snap a lot)- kata candid...tidak semua gambar akan perfect..
  5. Position yourself strategically (google sendiri)
  6. Photograph people doing things (google sendiri)
  7. Photograph people with people (google sendiri)
  8. Shoot from the hip (google sendiri)
  9. Mix up your perspective (google sendiri)
  10. Frame images with foreground elements (google sendiri)
  11. Take posed shots into candid territory (google sendiri)

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