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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bracketing untuk HDR pada kamera NIKON

In photography, bracketing is the general technique of taking several shots of the same subject using different or the same camera settings. Bracketing is useful and often recommend in situations that make it difficult to obtain a satisfactory image with a single shot, especially when a small variation in exposure parameters has a comparatively large effect on the resulting image. Autobracketing is automatic bracketing by using a setting on the camera to take several bracketed shots (in contrast to the photographer altering the setting by hand between each shot). Given the time it takes to accomplish multiple shots, it is typically, but not always, used for static subjects- source Wikipedia

Jika anda ingin mengambil beberapa siri gambar untuk di convert kan kepada HDR (High Dynamic Range), anda selalunya ada 3 siri gambar yang normal, under exposure dan over exposure dan barulah ianya boleh di convert kan kepada HDR. Bagaimanakah button bracketing (BKT/button pada Nikon anda) dapat menolong anda mencapai 3 siri image yang anda kehendaki.BKT button digunakan untuk mode Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB)-AEB button selalunya terdapat pada model Canon tapi pada Nikon ialah BKT.

Kebanyakan kamera sekarang boleh capture tiga image sekaligus dengan mudah dan senang dengan menggunakan feature Automatic Exposure Bracketing. Jika kamera anda mempunyai fungsi ini, sangat lah bagus dan pastikan anda menggunakan tripod dan set kan frame rate kepada continous dan gunakan juga remote ataupun cable release.

PS: Untuk memberi anda lebih pengawalan pada  mode Automatic Exposure Bracketing, anda boleh guna samada Aperture Priority mode ataupun Shutter Priority mode. Menggunakan AEB pada Aperture Priority mode memberi ada  siri exposure yang anda dihendaki samada normal,under exposure ataupun overexposure. Menggunakan AEB pada Shutter Priority mode jarang digunakan dan pengawalan penuh terhadap exposure sukar dilakukan.

Bagaimana nak menggunakan AEB ini?
  1. Go to your main menu kamera
  2. Select the item entitled AEB ataupun Exposure Bracketing
  3. Here, you can adjust the level of exposure variation between each shot-this will take experimentation to get the right, but you can try it out initially a fairly extreme gap between images-+2EV or -2EV
  4. Buat 3 shot, lihat hasilnya dan adjust hasilnya jika perlu.
If you feel that this feature you will use on regular basis, its worth looking for a camera that offers a dedicated button to set exposure bracketing, without being required to adjust on main menu of camera. this far quicker and more natural.

go go and happy photography...

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